37g joe
So I went to my local mall at the have a pet store that sell SW fish and I went to just check what they had in thier in stock. well as I well looking at the tankes I was suprised to see for sale a mantis shrimp for $24 dollars. Now I have heard of people having them in thier tank because the hitchiked on apeice of live rock but the shier fact that they can break class tankes makes me afraid ever to have one in my tank. Well I asked the sales associate about it and she told me it hitched its way into the tank on a peice of LR and its killed several fish already but the wner wants to try to sell it. Now if someone knowinly searces out a mantis shrimp and wants to have one thats one thing but most people see them as a real pest and potental hazard and the likly hood of an newbie going in to this paticular shop and buying one not knowing what they are buying is high I feel its ridiculos that they are trying to turn a profit on a pest. maybe next they well be selling astipaisa and large brisstle worms. what does everyone else think?