Mantis Shrimp Hitcher

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I found a Mantis Shrimp last night.I heard the clicking (mostly at night) but last night with all the light off i put a candle infront of tank and saw him along with alot of other interesting critters,tiny black erchin,lots of crabs,something that i can only describe as it looked like a slug,cucumber,nudi....... lol im not really sure. What should i do with this Mantis?Can i leave him be?Will i beable to put a fish or 2 in there? It was about 3/4" long and the best i could tell color wise was it is brownish with black stripes,it was hard to tell with candle light.


well I hear that clicking too and I cannot find anything in my tank, so maybe I have one, maybe I don't. But if you can get him I would remove him, he will eat your fish. BE CAREFUL they can do a number on you as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I found a Mantis Shrimp last night.I heard the clicking (mostly at night) but last night with all the light off i put a candle infront of tank and saw him along with alot of other interesting critters,tiny black erchin,lots of crabs,something that i can only describe as it looked like a slug,cucumber,nudi....... lol im not really sure. What should i do with this Mantis?Can i leave him be?Will i beable to put a fish or 2 in there? It was about 3/4" long and the best i could tell color wise was it is brownish with black stripes,it was hard to tell with candle light.
Basically its the worst possible thing u could get in your tank, It will lurk until it grows in size, snacking on eveything it can catch, Try setting up a trap with bait at night. Stalk him out try to find his home in which rock.


Active Member
put him in your fuge in your big tank until you can find someone who wants him. they go for $30+

coral keeper

Active Member
Go to file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/default/Desktop/mantis%20shrimp.htm
it dosent sell anything, and look if you think its any of the mantises. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper

you cannot link desktop links.


hey where u get good live rock like that??? Im from tinley park. Any lr doesnt have that much life on it like that.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by wpayton34
hey where u get good live rock like that??? Im from tinley park. Any lr doesnt have that much life on it like that.
I sent you PM


Active Member
not freshwater dip, do a high salinity dip in a bucket. Should send him shooting out of the rock.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
not freshwater dip, do a high salinity dip in a bucket. Should send him shooting out of the rock.
thanx,will it survive?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wpayton34
hey where u get good live rock like that??? Im from tinley park. Any lr doesnt have that much life on it like that.

he describes less life than i got :) just need to pay more than a lot of people are willing to pay, and need to get it fresh from lfs's when they get their shipments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
thanx,will it survive?

yea, it should. get it out asap though.


Originally Posted by RainbowSix
well I hear that clicking too and I cannot find anything in my tank, so maybe I have one, maybe I don't. But if you can get him I would remove him, he will eat your fish. BE CAREFUL they can do a number on you as well.

What would it do to a person?


Active Member
Well, I believe i saw a video somewhere from a lady that resaerched them stating that they snap their claws so fast that a small pocket of water becomes vaporized, so Id say..... probably would hurt pretty bad.