Mantis Shrimp Hitcher

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
Please do not do this it will kill the areas on the rock that it gets into a high salinty dip will do just fine without killing the rock or risk contaminating your tank.
how high are we talkin here?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I use 1.03 or so and everything starts to run pods and worms alike in just a few seconds.
what would be the best way to do this ?dip the rock ,or spash high saltinity on rock and let critters scamper into container?


I use a bucket and dip the rock into the bucket spraying doesnt always work some importers do this to rock before its shipped out to keep it moist and if it worked they wouldnt be on our rocks to start with LOL
just remember it wont take long for this to happen just a few second and things will start flying out of the rock.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I use a bucket and dip the rock into the bucket spraying doesnt always work some importers do this to rock before its shipped out to keep it moist and if it worked they wouldnt be on our rocks to start with LOL
just remember it wont take long for this to happen just a few second and things will start flying out of the rock.
hehe im starting to feel like a little kid on x-mas eve


o yeah I forgot to say if its mantis hunting your doing which you are use a pair of pliers or something to hold the rock because if it comes out near your fingers it can take part of them with him.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
o yeah I forgot to say if its mantis hunting your doing which you are use a pair of pliers or something to hold the rock because if it comes out near your fingers it can take part of them with him.
thanx fot the warning
and all the rest of the info

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
i want pictures of what comes out of the lr lol. good luck
will do ,im going do this in the afternoon.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Yogoshio
I know the guy who supplies that new store in Tinley, and he gets good stuff.
wrong store ,this one is in Mokena

veni vidi vici

Active Member
first attepmt failed the rocks are larger 10lbs ,6lbs and 3lbs. with lots of holes anyway i put them in one at a time for about 2 minuntes apiece and pretty much struckout ,alot of bristel worms ,crabs and one unidentified in photo below.There is still some crabs on rock that didnt come out in container.I saw them after i put LR back into tank.Im going to try bottle trap and see if i have better luck.Can someone ID this critter for me? thanx


veni vidi vici

Active Member
Well the high saltinity didnt work ,however i have a positive ID .Pistol shrimp.....
just saw it,brown with black strips and 1 big honkin claw.Im kinda disapointed.