Mantis Shrimp Hitcher


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici

$3.99 Lb. comes with all kinds of cool stuff

gah, i wish i had paid that little. you got a sweet deal

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
gah, i wish i had paid that little. you got a sweet deal
new LFS in town and the owner has been good to me so far.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
new LFS in town and the owner has been good to me so far.
Nice screen name. We came, we saw, we conquered. A mantis is not the worst thing you could find. Many people keep them as pets. They are pretty cool but they cannot stay in the fish tank. They are predatory and will snatch your fish. There are traps to get the mantis, do a search on this site.


Originally Posted by Nick76
not freshwater dip, do a high salinity dip in a bucket. Should send him shooting out of the rock.
I did a freshwater dip to get rid of the one I found in one of my live rocks. I only dipped it for about 12-15 seconds and he and some bristle worms came scooting out fast. That rock also had several dozen barnacles on it and it didn't hurt them at all. That same rock 3 mos. later now has more coraline algae on it than any of my other rocks, still has many barnacles on it even though my hermits keep ripping them off of the rock and has at least a dozen little different colored feather worms growing all over it, not to mention several families of pods running all in and through it, plus several more bristle worms. Now, granted, I would only do this if you really want to kill him not if you want to try to catch him and use him further.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefernana
I did a freshwater dip to get rid of the one I found in one of my live rocks. I only dipped it for about 12-15 seconds and he and some bristle worms came scooting out fast. That rock also had several dozen barnacles on it and it didn't hurt them at all. That same rock 3 mos. later now has more coraline algae on it than any of my other rocks, still has many barnacles on it even though my hermits keep ripping them off of the rock and has at least a dozen little different colored feather worms growing all over it, not to mention several families of pods running all in and through it, plus several more bristle worms. Now, granted, I would only do this if you really want to kill him not if you want to try to catch him and use him further.

I would like to capture him alive ,if possible.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Nice screen name. We came, we saw, we conquered. A mantis is not the worst thing you could find. Many people keep them as pets. They are pretty cool but they cannot stay in the fish tank. They are predatory and will snatch your fish. There are traps to get the mantis, do a search on this site.
thanx ..... it matches my personality well. My family think im mental now ,peaking into DT with LED light. My wife asked me what i was doing and i told her"SHHHHH IM HUNTIN WABBITS" she just shook her head and walked away.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I would like to capture him alive ,if possible.
Do the "bottle trap" Take a 1 liter bottle. Cut the top off at the top of the label. Invert the top. Add a piece of something meaty to the body of the bottle. When the mantis crawls in to get the meat then pick up the bottle. You will need a red flashlight to spot and follow the mantis (or a red cloth to put over a regular flashlight). Theory suggests that the mantis will get in but not out, knowledge and experience suggests differently.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
thanx ..... it matches my personality well. My family think im mental now ,peaking into DT with LED light. My wife asked me what i was doing and i told her"SHHHHH IM HUNTIN WABBITS" she just shook her head and walked away.

LOL don't pull an " AL BUNDY" and blow up the entire house just to watch the mantis walk across your burnt whole of a property to the neighbors reef!!! Dramatization of course.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
LOL don't pull an " AL BUNDY" and blow up the entire house just to watch the mantis walk across your burnt whole of a property to the neighbors reef!!! Dramatization of course.

Hehe everyone is nervous around my house...i was contemplateing throwing a blowdryer in DT to get the damsels i had in there.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Hehe everyone is nervous around my house...i was contemplateing throwing a blowdryer in DT to get the damsels i had in there.

Oi Vey, did you catch the damsels? In all honesty, your tank is now cycled. Time to take things seriously. Have you cycled a quarantine tank yet?

reef diver

Active Member
NO FRESHWATER DIP!!!!! Just pour soda water on the rock hes in and heel come running out. Dont kill the poor guy!!! :( Go to the **Please do not post links or tell people to go to another forum its against the board rules** therell be lota people who want to buy him........ If I ahd a spare setup Id take him, theyre fascinating to watch.

reef diver

Active Member
Just FYI sepulatioan mantids can see red light.... they can see 16 diff colors of light, they can see in infrared and UV so dont bother with the red light, just a dim one.....


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
new LFS in town and the owner has been good to me so far.
Would you PM me with that LFS. I am always looking for a new place to go. Thanks

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Oi Vey, did you catch the damsels? In all honesty, your tank is now cycled. Time to take things seriously. Have you cycled a quarantine tank yet?
yes i did catch all 5 of the little buggers,had to break down the whole tank
,and the QT tank is cycling now with some partialy cured LR with the Mantis.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici

$3.99 Lb. comes with all kinds of cool stuff

Anybody know what those green things are? I have a bunch of them on my new live rock. John

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jpc763
Anybody know what those green things are? I have a bunch of them on my new live rock. John
macroalgae and it dosnt live long


Originally Posted by BexleyFish
What would it do to a person?
they dont call them thubsplitters for nothing!!!!!


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
NO FRESHWATER DIP!!!!! Just pour soda water on the rock hes in and heel come running out. Dont kill the poor guy!!! :( Go to the therell be lota people who want to buy him........ If I ahd a spare setup Id take him, theyre fascinating to watch.
Please do not do this it will kill the areas on the rock that it gets into a high salinty dip will do just fine without killing the rock or risk contaminating your tank.