Mantis Shrimp


New Member
Well I have found one of these little devils in my 90 gallon reef. As far as I know he/she has not killed anyone yet. I have tried everything to catch this devil but no luck. Anyone have any ideas??? this little devil has grown to about six inches and he is not very nice.


If he is in a piece of LR could you try a freshwater dip? I am not sure if it would work....


I read that if you dip the rock in a salinity of 1.030 (for a couple of seconds) it will run it out of its home and into that bucket.


I have done a dip with great success. but the salinity needs to be about 3 times higher than normal. just mix a gallon or so and dip it in. he will come running out quicker than you would believe. getting the live rock out of the tank is the hardest part. Good luck, Mobi :D


Some people aren't going to like this but I've read that if you have all your rock in place the easiest way to elimate one is with a can use your imagination for the rest of the process.
Never tried it but I imagine it works rather well.


Active Member
lets see, oh yeah
try a trap, take a CLEAR soda bottle, cut the top off, invert it and glue it in place, cut some holes, so you can fill the bottle with tank water(other wise you'll get air pockets and it won't sink, put bait in and place near it's hole,

SOMETIMES this works good, sometimes not, but it is worth a shot


New Member
Thanks everyone for the ideas. However I have tried all of those. With no luck. This little devil is no joke. I think he knows what I am doing at every turn. I was hoping to find something new. Oh well. Thanks gang


Active Member
well, if you tried all of thos, and can get his rock out with him inside, try club soda?, they seem to really hate that stuff being shot in to their hole, much much much more than high salinity or fw,s upposedly if sw and fw don't work, they will come flying out after this
HTH and good luck


Be careful when you do it that you don't touch it! Those little guys will curl up their tail and give you a good slice!


well used to hear them make thier noises sometimes;have had at least couple of them in smaller tank for over 6 months now;have not harmed or killed anything we know of;apprarenly this species is very small though for now;have seen several of them in the tank though


Active Member
they are dangerous critters, they can kill a tank, but don't always, they can break a tank, but don't always, but if you do try to catch it use caution because tehre are 2 types smashers and thrashers, the smashers can brake the bones in your hand with no problem and the thrashers will leave you needing many stitches, this is one thing they will always do, especially if they feel threatened
just to elaborate, their(both types) strike has the velocity of a .22 caliber bullet and the thrashers have sharp

like appendages, WHICH YOU PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW, but in case i thought to warn you


Active Member
wallda, some people really do like them , normally in their own tank, they are interesting, but i want ZERO in my reef,and i would definitely get a sturdy tank(accrylic) built good enough for one, because they can also smash or break glass, this is fact
i would also research them first, there are many who do have them and would help out
they are kinda cool


Active Member
several pics, of different species, in this link
oops, you have to go to the bottom of the page and click on stomatapod pics to see them, i could not get the url to work correctly


To anyone with a Mantis shrimp:
Here is what you do. First step: Find his rock and remove it from the tank. Mantis shrimp and reef tanks dont mix. Even if people say "I've had no problem with them" do you really want to take the chance? I dont. There are so many kinds of Mantis shrimp, and some of them get pretty big. Better to just get him out and get it over with.
Second, get all the water out of the rock, and put it in a bucket with a little bit of water in the bottom and leave it there for a few hours, to overnight. He'll run out to get to the water eventually, and yes your rock will be ok. Still better than a mantis shrimp.
You can also:
Annoy him till he comes out. I once stuck an aquarium hose hooked to an air pump in his hole, (obviously with the rock isolated in a bucket)that got him out quick.
Or: put the rock on your kitchen table and carefully use a needle-nose pliars to break into his home. They put all kinds of shells and stuff in there to make little dens. Once you see him, if you can, grab him.
This stuff has worked for me...try it before its too late!


New Member
The islanders call them thumb splitters, because people have a habit of checking out their burrow and coming up a digit or two short.
They are neat looking though. The ones I have seen are white about 6 inches long with the head and arms of a praying mantis and tail of a shrimp.
Best of luck irradicating it.


OMG!! That thing looks nasty. Hope you get him out of there! If and when you do, please let us know what worked. If I ever end up with one I will definatly want to know how to get rid of it.


New Member
well he is gone! I used a piece of rigid PVC and strung fishing line down through it. I made a nuce and coaxed him out of his hole and snap. He is now living in my Refugium for the time being. What a pain this little guy was. He had been in my tank for over a year before I ever even saw him. He dug a heck of a lot of tunnels in my LR.


Active Member
if you don't want him, there are others here(not me) who would probably pay to have him shipped to them, if you want ot get rid of him

they often are trickier than the average bear(oooops, i meant shrimp)
i'm gald you caught him