

Ive read from multiple sources that you can and cannot keep fish with a mantis. More so, a spearer. Smashers are still a hazard. I plan on getting a 46 gallon bowfront so there will be ample room for a few fish.
Ive always wanted to keep one or possibly a pair of Maroon Clownfish. Do you think the clowns will pick on the Mantis or will it be the other way around? If the Maroon lives and gets mature, will she become very aggressive towards to mantis?
What about 6 Blue Chromis instead? Nice schooling effect and are very cheap. Can also double as my cycling fish.
And which do I introduce first? Fish or Mantis?


Active Member
Definitely not with a spearer. I fed mine a damsel once... it was pretty gruesome.
I had a chiragra that lived with a damsel for a year.... one day he killed him. They shared a hole forever and then BAM!
If you like the fish no.... but it could work for awhile.
On one hand, fish first just because the new mantis will be a little timid. You put a fish in when he's nice and comfy and he may eat it pretty quick.
But then again..... sometimes it's nice to have the mantis first to see what kind of temperament he has....
So I guess it doesn't really make a difference.


Ok Ill put the Maroons in another tank.
But it would be ok to add like 6 or 7 blue chromis to the mantis tank?
And was it before or after the mantis is introduced?


Active Member
Oh, I edited to include the "what comes first" part.
If he goes after them, he may go after them all at once. If they are darting around it also get him excited. A handful maybe too tempting.


Any fish you would recommend then? I dont want the 46g aquarium to only house my Peacock Mantis but I dont want to downgrade and risk having him outgrow it.


Active Member
The only thing my peacock left alone was a long spine urchin. It will depend on the personality as well as the species.


Ok. I will post in about 10 days. Thats my birthday!

So that's hopefully *cross fingers* when I will be getting all my main equipment to start the tank.
Ive been comtemplating getting live rock that is seeded with all sorts of good stuff like peanut worms, bristle worms, starfish, spaghetti worms, and snails. Should I buy this or get lace rock/dead rock?
And live sand or sand that has nothing in it?


Active Member
Depends on your budget. Both will work... live is just so much more interesting. And if you're looking for all the critters, live is very important.


Well Ive been battling Cyano in my 55 Reef tank and dont want to worry about that in my new tank. I can afford both and I was just thinking that with all the bristle worms and other CUC critters, they wont let any horded food go to waste.


Which aquarium would you recommend?
A 46g bowfront?
A 36g bowfront?
The Peacock Mantis I am going to be getting will probably be around 6-7'' long.


Ok. I will have to see what I can get.
If I get the 36g bow front, how long do you think I would have before he is in danger of outgrowing the aquarium? Estimate is fine


Ok. I may just go with a 36, due to the fact that Iw ould like to get nice equipment and I already have a 55g aquarium in my room. Thats 1000lbs on oine side and another 600-700lbs wouldnt be a nice thought at night.
Thank you for all your help, Cranberry. I sincerly appreciate it.
Im not sure if there is one but I was looking for a chart or website that gives all the common and scientific names of Mantis Shrimp? Or if you could so nicely make a small chart of some?
Thanks again


I was wondering if you knew what would be best to feed a Peacock Mantis Shrimp.
My diet plan is:
2-3 times per week feedings.
Every other week, throw in a snail or Emerald Crab.
When I am doing the feedings, I am going to get some snail shells and stuff them full of:
Marine Cuisen, Emerald Entree, Playkton, and Brine Shrimp. I may also feed him a thawed krill or Silver Slide.
Does this sound good? Should I feed him anything else? What is the best possible thing I can feed.


Active Member
I've never used any of the frozen cubes so I can't really comment on them. I fed chucks of fish and shelled fare.