mappa puffer


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
he called me said no lfs wood take it from him (TO BIG)

Originally Posted by slackjawed
no lfs wants him around here

Originally Posted by slackjawed

i call 1 (after i call like 20 or so )he said he would take him mabey i gotta call him tomarro ill loose another 58 buck
That's really weird. I called Coral Corner in Rancine, Wisconsin, which is only 30-40 minutes from you and they said they would gladly take him and find room for him. Glenn said he would never turn down someone wanting to bring their fish in.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
That's really weird. I called Coral Corner in Rancine, Wisconsin, which is only 30-40 minutes from you and they said they would gladly take him and find room for him. Glenn said he would never turn down someone wanting to bring their fish in.

kool ty didnt no that place was there ty
ill call 2marrow its a hr from my house i just call him and you 99% think i bad he wants 2 put him in a 125 w/ 3 fish and im a bad host ty lion? but he would be better of w/ me 4 now


Active Member
Originally Posted by ca161406
3 fish in a 125 would prob still be better though
And most LFS' have thousand gallon systems that their tanks are tied into. Plus, they would faster facilitate the fish to a much more appropriate home.
Shoot Id take him off your hands but Im not paying for a puffer that looks like that. You need to listen to people on here! If no one will take him I have a 125 thats set up with no fish. That would be better then what its in now..


Originally Posted by indigobluetc
Shoot Id take him off your hands but Im not paying for a puffer that looks like that. You need to listen to people on here! If no one will take him I have a 125 thats set up with no fish. That would be better then what its in now..
i would not give him to you!!!! 125??????? id put him in my 75 wood be almost the same as a 125 gallon. 72" long ,18 1/2" wide ,23" tall to narrow hes 12 " how is that better than a 180?o just because thiers a bounch of triggers in it?and with a bad attitude?thanks but no thanks


Originally Posted by indigobluetc
Shoot Id take him off your hands but Im not paying for a puffer that looks like that. You need to listen to people on here! If no one will take him I have a 125 thats set up with no fish. That would be better then what its in now..
hes eatin 2 day
he be a ok


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Its sort of like hitting yourself with a hammer; it feels so good when you stop.
Where is my hammer?

I have to be honest, when I read this I almost want to stop coming to this site because he is on so many of the threads that I am interested in. Then I learn some really good info from some other people and I feel so much better.


Originally Posted by slackjawed
i would not give him to you!!!! 125??????? id put him in my 75 wood be almost the same as a 125 gallon. 72" long ,18 1/2" wide ,23" tall to narrow hes 12 " how is that better than a 180?o just because thiers a bounch of triggers in it?and with a bad attitude?thanks but no thanks
A 125g is way better then a 75g, I don't know what you are smoking on but you need help can we close this thread PLEASE it is getting NOWHERE. JM2CENTS


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the newest episode of 'Slack & His Fish". The best continuing soap opera on the internet.
Yea but i make it fun .Look at all the lookers:(in all the posts i get in to)ideclare: dont take my advise,(just showin it can be done)We all are pet keepers , just alot differnt we, closed (the thread) it dont matter unlike 99% who dis me thinkin im wrong or a bad host i wish you all good luck!!Because i sure got some or some skills!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
Yea but i make it fun .Look at all the lookers:(in all the posts i get in to)ideclare: dont take my advise,(just showin it can be done)We all are pet keepers , just alot differnt we, closed (the thread) it dont matter unlike 99% who dis me thinkin im wrong or a bad host i wish you all good luck!!Because i sure got some or some skills!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just curious... why do you consistently pat yourself on the back about your "rad" tank or your "skills"? Truly, you lose fish as often as I change my socks.
From what I have read, your mortality rate is pretty much worse than any newbie on this board. What makes you think you are so good at keeping saltwaterfish? You do realize that fish are supposed to live longer than a couple weeks, right?
As I stated, I'm just curious.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Just curious... why do you consistently pat yourself on the back about your "rad" tank or your "skills"? Truly, you lose fish as often as I change my socks.
From what I have read, your mortality rate is pretty much worse than any newbie on this board. What makes you think you are so good at keeping saltwaterfish? You do realize that fish are supposed to live longer than a couple weeks, right?
As I stated, I'm just curious.
wow your feet must stink
i lost a few o well it happenswhat u gonna do? i mixxin fish in the real world some gotta die for others 2 live !!hay so go by some socks guy!!ther again dissin me u feel better another 99%
Honestly this thread needs to be closed.. He does not listen to anything anyone says. He thinks his "mad skilz" are all he needs. Ever wander why fish become rare? People like this keep killing them "like in the real world some gotta die for others 2 live" I am done reading these posts since it hurts my eyes to read them. Hey instead of buying more fish pay some one to write for you or get a spell checker, or if you have one learn how to use it.