Marijuana Legalization Bill Approved By Committee


Active Member
It's eventually going to happen. If a state tries that I believe the feds will have to push the issue. At that point we will see a Supreme Court case that will settle the issue of 10th amendment rights I think. Right now drugs are regulated under the interstate commerce clause and I want to see someone make the case that a pot plant grown, processed and smoked in California affect interstate commerce.
If not for the taxation angle I am not sure the feds would bother, they already turn a blind eye to medical MJ facilities in states that allow it.


i have no problem with legalizing pot. i just hop it doesnt lead to legalizing harder stuff like cocaine and heroin.


Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
i have no problem with legalizing pot. i just hop it doesnt lead to legalizing harder stuff like cocaine and heroin.
personally if its natural it should be legal, and i agree with you, but i highly doubt they will ever legalize coke or heroin. Id like to see shrooms legalized, but i doubt that will ever happen either...But i cant wait for the day marijuana is legalized nation wide...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Put the petal to the metal America! We can now fast track our way into a Dorito eating, lazy couch potato, ignorant,broke dic dog country that we always wanted to be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Put the petal to the metal America! We can now fast track our way into a Dorito eating, lazy couch potato, ignorant,broke dic dog country that we always wanted to be.

Sure thing Mr. Stereotype...
That would be different from the beer swilling, alcoholic, nascar watching society that we have now?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Deadly_Legend
personally if its natural it should be legal, and i agree with you, but i highly doubt they will ever legalize coke or heroin. Id like to see shrooms legalized, but i doubt that will ever happen either...But i cant wait for the day marijuana is legalized nation wide...
How about shrooms?
Personally I don't have a problem with this. I see this a way for the government to reduce some of their deficit...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Sure thing Mr. Stereotype...
That would be different from the beer swilling, alcoholic, nascar watching society that we have now?
Nope ....get rid of alcohol too as far as im concerned.
We need to legalize recreational marijuana like we need a hole in the head.
LOL and BTW did you just call me Mr.Stereotype??? Read your reply Mr.Alcoholic Nascar basher.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Nope ....get rid of alcohol too as far as im concerned.
We need to legalize recreational marijuana like we need a hole in the head.
LOL and BTW did you just call me Mr.Stereotype??? Read your reply Mr.Alcoholic Nascar basher.

Did we learn nothing from prohibition? MJ is too mainstream to ever get rid of. Have you ever been drunk and stoned? I did both. Never liked getting high so never got into it but I would rather be on the road with a stoner than a drunk.
If you abuse MJ it will mess you up mentally and physically, just like booze, prescription drugs and Mickey D's.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Did we learn nothing from prohibition? MJ is too mainstream to ever get rid of. Have you ever been drunk and stoned? I did both. Never liked getting high so never got into it but I would rather be on the road with a stoner than a drunk.
If you abuse MJ it will mess you up mentally and physically, just like booze, prescription drugs and Mickey D's.
I take into consideration the youth of our nation more than anything else. Once your an adult your free to screw up your life as you please as long as its not affecting others.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I take into consideration the youth of our nation more than anything else. Once your an adult your free to screw up your life as you please as long as its not affecting others.
You don't really think they will legalize it for people under 21 do you? I was in high school back in the mid 70's and I guarantee you it's a lot more available then it was then and we had no trouble getting it. If you legalize it I seriously doubt it's going to increase the number of kids getting to the stuff.
Even assuming legalization leads to higher use cutting down the associated crime and gang activity associated with it makes it worth it. It would also allow the government to concentrate on the more dangerous and harmful stuff like crack. In fact I would start a jihad against that one and pretty much ignore the others unless it just happened to land in your lap. I cannot believe people are stupid enough to use that crap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Not really. Like I said we tried that prohibition thing, the Mafia and Kennedy clan were about the only one's who benefited from that.
Very few people know that's where the Kennedy money is from. John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Old Fitzgerald bourbon have the same roots.
On the pot thing; this topic sure draws odd bed-fellows. The late Mr. William F. Buckley, Mr. Conservative. favored legalizing the stuff. But only because it was impossible to police.


Originally Posted by reefraff
You don't really think they will legalize it for people under 21 do you? I was in high school back in the mid 70's and I guarantee you it's a lot more available then it was then and we had no trouble getting it. If you legalize it I seriously doubt it's going to increase the number of kids getting to the stuff.
Even assuming legalization leads to higher use cutting down the associated crime and gang activity associated with it makes it worth it. It would also allow the government to concentrate on the more dangerous and harmful stuff like crack. In fact I would start a jihad against that one and pretty much ignore the others unless it just happened to land in your lap. I cannot believe people are stupid enough to use that crap.
Word. Personally, I never have liked the stuff. Tried it twice and really hated the feeling. I drink socially when I'm having a party or out with friends, but that's about it. I have to agree that with legalizing pot, there will be a lot more pros than cons. Kids have gotten it in the past and will continue to do so. That part is a non-factor. I do believe it will curb gang activity and help feds focus on tackling harder drugs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Nope ....get rid of alcohol too as far as im concerned.
We need to legalize recreational marijuana like we need a hole in the head.
LOL and BTW did you just call me Mr.Stereotype??? Read your reply Mr.Alcoholic Nascar basher.

Originally Posted by reefraff

Speaking of Stereotypes

I guess you both missed the implied sarcasm that was dripping from my response...