Marijuana Legalization Bill Approved By Committee

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
It happens. Being stoned and driving is dangerous because people are more inclined to think they aren't impaired than those who drink. It is also no "safe". Inhaling concentrated levels of smoke of any kind isn't a good thing but like with alcohol used in moderation would usually cause serious damage.

Not to mention a "contact" high will place enough THC in your system to get you fired if a company does a random drug test.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Not to mention a "contact" high will place enough THC in your system to get you fired if a company does a random drug test.
Most likely only if the smoke was so thick that no one was able to breathe in the first place.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Then running MJ should be removed from the drug screening process.
Why? alcohol isnt. If you have an accident at most companies they test for everything....If you have any amount of alcohol in your system you are fired. Why should it be different for MJ. The difference between the two is MJ can get in my system and I never have to smoke with someone that does can place it there.


Active Member
The random screening... I'm not talking about when an incident occurs.
Okay, new laws need to be passed so that you can't get fired for MJ.
Or they need to raise the positive threshold. Second hand smokers are not going to test that high.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Most likely only if the smoke was so thick that no one was able to breathe in the first place.
To get a "contact high" I agree...but just being in a room with someone smoking it places it in my system. If it was legalized would you be able to smoke weed at bars in the "smoking" sections? What about at designated areas at the airport where tobacco smokers smoke? Just being in a 20 by 20 room where one joint is smoked will place THC in your system enough to show up on a drug screen. This is the downside to legalizing it. I can see the govt charging non smokers with DUI style charges because they previously had some. And some people get "high" a lot easier than others... .08 for most people doesn't impair them drink is what we are talking an hour....what would be level for MJ?


Active Member
Reasons to smoke pot:
It's cool
It's natural man
Reasons not to:
Watch a couple of episodes of Cops
Supposedly they can tell if you smoked it directly or it was secondhand. We go through random drug testing all the time and yeah I'm glad the military tests for it as I don't want to rely on anyone who's high all the time. But it also ticks me off when someone has to watch me pee directly in a cup.


Active Member
It doesn't have to be legal in public areas.... and I'm sure it won't be much like smoking isn't here in California.
And honestly, people who live with people who chronically smoke MJ do not test positive for it at the thresholds set for screening purposes.


Active Member
I'm not trying to say if it's right or wrong.
If these states enforce endangerment laws with smoking tobacco, they should do it for MJ as well.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I'm not trying to say if it's right or wrong.
If these states enforce endangerment laws with smoking tobacco, they should do it for MJ as well.
But then smoking in your home wouldn't be legal if you have children.....