Marilyn Manson


im posting in a message board. not writing a term paper. im not trying to look smart, just competent.
no actually we are not brothers.
my name aaron esparza.


hes not the antichrist.
its not as if he kills animals in the name of satan.
sure his music is different and shocking to most people...but that is what is great. you cant tell me that you have never enjoyed something that was against the norm.
who cares?
its just music. Until i can get proof that his music makes people kill then we can call him an antichrist.
just look at charles manson and helter skelter....


Active Member
True, he is not likely the anti-christ. Mostly because it would be too obvious. But if he met the anti-christ they would probably be buds. I don't know how deeply anyone wants to get into this, but since it's been started, I'll add just a little. In the mid 90's, I heard him call himself a "high priest of Satan". I don't know if there even is such a thing. But either way, declaring that you are one isn't exactly something God would like. Whether or not Manson's music and actions include killing people or animals or influence others to do so isn't the only determinant as to how good or evil a man he is. He is evil in that his actions are not only not favored by God, but occasionally direct insults to God. And I am quite sure that those actions are influencing people to do the same. Everybody sins so I'm not saying that he has to meet some perfect standard. But most people feel bad about their sins and try not to do it in the future. He revels in his sins and influences others to do the same.


Or is it better to be like David Koresh and say your god, he wasn't doing this as an act. Manson is not really as bad as people think, remember he's only an entertainer.


Actually Aaron,
He killed his own child as a sacrifice. I apoligize for forgetting to send you that video we talked about before. When I can make some more copies, I will though.
Thats a bit worse than killing an animal IMO.
As for being just an entertainer. He's also an ordained minister in the Church of Satan who uses his music as a ministry.


Active Member
Koresh is a different subject altogether. Entertainers have a ridiculous amount of influence over people. Especially teenagers. Who do you think had a bigger following between the two? I don't know your religious beliefs. But as a Christian and looking at this from that viewpoint I am concerned with how people treat God and where they go when they die. I would like to see people go to heaven. When Manson influences someone to stop going to church and possibly even worship Satan, that person is not going to heaven (unless they change their mind, confess their sins publicly and pray for forgiveness). While I would agree that probably only a handful of nuts have killed people because of the influence of entertainers, I would have to say that many people have religious opinions based largely on entertainers (music based). I knew many people in high school that were effected in this way. Also, I mentioned my concern about how people treat God. I don't want to listen to songs where God is insulted or disrespected. His songs often do that as do his actions and influences. Plus, what makes you think this is an act? To my knowledge he has never said he was a Christian in public. I can understand "acting" evil in some respects, but if people are believing what he is saying then it's either not an act (it's the truth) or it's a lie.


First Lieberman is an idiot. Second all politicians are evil. Third I'm am a Morman. Only the week and the stupid are going to change there beliefs and there thoughts to believe someone who gets paid to sing or act. I listen to a great amount of heavy metal and punk but I would say that I'm no saint and far from an evil person. IMO rap which I like, is a lot more influential in society then any other type of music.



Originally posted by TMICHEL
Only the week and the stupid are going to change there beliefs and there thoughts to believe someone who gets paid to sing or act.

Would you mind explaining why you believe that?


If you were ever taught to know what is right and what is wrong (what is right in your society), which I think most of America has a pretty fine line of knowing. If you change your mind over hearing one person saying something with out it running through your head and deterining if that is wrong, your stupid and weak. I listen to what most people would call evil music and I can determine what is right and wrong. No music will change my opinion.


Active Member
Well, he may be an idiot, but he brings up many interesting pionts. Not all politicians are evil though. I think it's moreso that the evil is all that we see any more because that's what the media makes money on.
Only the weak or "stupid" are going to change their beliefs for this man? You may very well be correct. But are the weak or "stupid" any less derserving to go to heaven? Absolutely not!
I can't say for sure that just listening to his music for pleasure is a sin. And I am quite sure that many people can listen to such music and view it only as music, nothing more. I am a person that could do that. But I choose not to, because I don't want to support him in any way because not only do I not believe like him, but I think his beliefs and actions are often appaulling.


TMICHEL, thank you for explaining. I'm going to disagree, but would rather not go into it.
Hagfish, would you mind emailing me. Email addy's to the left.


Sorry if I sound mean or harsh but I believe everyone is responsible for their own actions directly and indirectly.
p.s. Sorry if I have offended anyone.


Quote by manson:
"I'm not someone who doesn't respect religion, but I don't care for the way religion is used to manipulate people. We create our own gods. We create our own devils"

IMO religion definitely manipulates people.
Marilyn manson's music is created to make people think.
He is actually very intelligent.
His music does not make people kill. (Nor was he responsible for the Columbine tragedy)
If people are going to kill, its not because of music or television.
There are a lot of idiots that listen to his music, but there are also some very intelligent people that listen to it also.


Active Member
I do not believe Manson's music is created to make people think. It is created for two things.
1. To brainwash people into thinking that his ways are correct and his styles and actions are unique, original and an expression of ones self
2. To make money
So I say this:
1. Nothing about him is unique or original. People were doing these things (style and musically) in the 70's and (anti-religiously) all throughout time. Since the 90's, dressing and acting "different" is in actuality more the norm for young people now. I really suggest taking a little time to read the link that Daniel411 posted. That is written by a person who confessed to be in the occult for many years.
2. I'm not interested in helping him make money. Especially considering the causes he supports.
Why do you refer to his effects upon murder? That isn't the only sin there is. BTW, he did have a say in the abortion of his baby.
If he makes you think, please let me know what it is that he has made you think about. Your quote might make one think of religion (Christianity) as manipulative. Christianity gives you a basic set of rules to follow and asks for a person's faith in that Jesus is lord. If you do not follow the rules, that is your choice. Christians who oppose sin are just striving to help others become better, less sinful people. Manson, as a satanist, is part of a group that has itself admitted is largely based upon lies. And that group worships the father of lies Satan himself. By associating himself with satanism (which associates itself with lies) Manson inherintly associates himself with manipulation.


Manson, as a satanist, is part of a group that has itself admitted is largely based upon lies. And that group worships the father of lies Satan himself. By associating himself with satanism (which associates itself with lies) Manson inherintly associates himself with manipulation.
LIES! Hah, Christianity- now there are some lies.
I saw that link posted was written by a PASTOR. Enough said. Sure a PASTOR wouldn't like Marilyn Manson because Manson is a threat to Christianity, because he lets people know they dont have to follow some bogus religion just because.
Why do people follow religion anyway? Because, for the most part, they are told to.
I dont believe in Satanism or Christianity for that matter. I believe in just living.
People keep bringing religion into this. WHen I started this thread I wanted to know if there were any Manson fans on here- not get into a big dispute. But now that it started, everyone can defend their own beliefs.
As for the abortion of his baby- Thats up to him and the girl IMO. If they weren't ready to bring a child into the world then at least they were able to realize that they couldnt provide for it. (I know ppl will say, Well if they werent ready then they shouldnt have had ---) TRUE, but after all we are all human and do make mistakes.....