Marilyn Manson


Active Member
Sweet dreams rocks! Get a load of this there were a few gothic kids at the high schooll right next to thge elementary school I went to 4 years ago and I never heard the song but it had something to do with the world ending and the gothic kids like threatened there would be a shooting at the school so the high school and the elemenary school which is about 40ft away from the highschool both got the day off, nothing ever happened the kids just got expelled.


i dont really listen to his music but the interview with him and michael moore about the colombine shootings was fantastic, really opened my eyes.
i am an athiasts(sp) but i have read bits from the satanic bible aswell as the "normal" bible and it isn't that bad, really it about standing up for ur self instead of just taking crap from people and forgiving them(Ned Flanders lol), but thats only the bits i have read.
i dont know why people are so scared about satanic "CULTS"
if chrisitainy was born today it to would be called a cult. dont get me wrong, believe wat u wanna believe and im not say that chritiant is wrong im just open minded and think that people should believe want they wanna believe, with out have to defend themselves
BTW if anyone is gonna argue about my point on chrisianity and cults....why do u need to go to a building to praise God/Jesus...why not do it in ur own home and mind like i do??????
Also the question for this topic was
Any manson fans on here?
not any haters!!!! why cant u leaves the people that like his music to talk about it to themselfves instead of have to defend themselve against ignorant ppl


why do u need to go to a building to praise God/Jesus...why not do it in ur own home and mind like i do.
The Bible says in several places that gathering in the name is good. According to the dictionary church can be defined as:
The company of all Christians regarded as a spiritual body.
A congregation.
The bible talks about the gate being narrow and few will find it in the book of Matthew. The church will help you stay on path. It will keep you spiritually full. It will help you realize there are always things Christians need to ask for forgiveness for (repent). The church can show you that you may be on the wrong path (even when you think it's right). There is so much deception in the world. Ye are the salt of the Earth (salt can sting and preserve). I think the church can help you be a stronger Christian.
Matthew 18:20
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Deuteronomy 12:5, Malachi 3:10 (Storehouse = church)


Staff member
Yes, this has gotten pretty off the track. This is not supposed to be a thread about God vs Satan or trying to figure out what Manson believes in.


New Member
In my opinion Mason is a commercial genius. He knew if created an image that parents and other authority figures hated, kids would love him, buy his cd's, go to his concerts and buy all his merchandise, and whatta ya know.......he's a millionaire! It's an image and that's it, just like Kiss had an image, jus like Alice Cooper did, and jus like many other musical artists have and probably will in the future. If people didn't make such a hype over him he probably would even be half as famous as he is today. I mean look at all the hype this thread has turned into simply because someone mentioned Marilyn Manson, LOL. The guys obviously done his homework, and his music's pretty good too.

Oh yea.... and as far as kids killing people because of music, that's the biggest crock I've ever heard. If someone kills someone they obviously have much greater issues than the music they listen to. People have tried these law suits before and always lose. Ozzy was sued once by the parents of a kid who supposedly committted suicide because he listened to the song "suicide solution". I think the parents shoulda at least looked up the lyrics before they made fools of themselves in a public court, since that song is about slowly killing yourself from drug and alcohol abuse, needless to say they lost. It's just another way for killers to try and plead "insanity" Spare me!


i love manson with all my heart, i have all his music, demos, bootlegs, everything, cant wait till he comes to ohio!!!


Originally Posted by Beth
Yes, this has gotten pretty off the track. This is not supposed to be a thread about God vs Satan or trying to figure out what Manson believes in.
Thank you, my dear Beth
!!!!!!!! That was supposed to be the original topic, just that he is a great frontman, that was all.