marine biologist??


Active Member
I would fit more into the aspiring marine biologists category. I'm in my second year of college now, major in bio and spanish, but I've got to get my grades up if I want to have a career as a researcher (which I do!).


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
I would fit more into the aspiring marine biologists category. I'm in my second year of college now, major in bio and spanish, but I've got to get my grades up if I want to have a career as a researcher (which I do!).
I think everyone could have done better in college. I went through college with the mind set "D = Degree." Knowing what you have to do is the first step but remember the most important thing- enjoy college. You'll be fine.
In retrospect, I wish I was a marine biologist. I've come to love the ocean and all I want to do is spend time there.


Active Member
I'm into icthyology, herpetology and vodkology. and a B.S. in B.S.

Just kidding no degrees here.


Active Member
Oh don't worry, I'm definitely enjoying the experience, but I'd like that to include enjoying the grades I'm getting!


Active Member
tell me about it, im really trying to get my grades up, cuz right now theres no way i could get a job with what i have


what kind of grades do you need to get in order to have a job in research? ive always been studious and get all A's and B's but then again im still in high school. i would love to be either a marine biologist or a zoologist. ive always dreamed of a job in research since ive been like 5 yrs. old.


My girl friend of 3 years is about to earn her BS in marine biology at ohio state, and she plans to go to grad school some where.(Trying to push her to South Carolina!) Its really cool she goes on diving researches on different muscles across the country as an intern for enviroscience. To bad she doesnt like keeping aquariums like I do. :thinking:


Active Member
college is a whole nother playing field, i had a 3.8 gpa in hs and college is kicking my butt, its way diffrent but the first year is the hardest( so i have been told)


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There are A LOT of people with degrees in Marine Biology. It is a highly saturated field. I knew a PhD who in marine invert zoo who was working in a gift shop. You need, IMO, something that really sets you apart, IN ADDITION to very good grades. This should be taking summer courses, volunteering for any sort of field work, being a teaching assistant, etc.


i have my degree in marine biology and working on my MS in marine fisheries so i like to say that i am a Marine biologist :)

aztec reef

Active Member
marine biology & zoology & mula mula (monster fish)science at the u of o.. or
wait. i think i watched that on the national geografic ch. :notsure: