Marine ich

big loo

Beaslbob, I am definitely gonna look into that refugium set-up. Jay, this tank is set up with the filtration set up in the back of the tank, it basically has 3 chambers with the skimmer being in the center.

big loo

I will try to post pics this weekend of my tanks... My other problem is my bioload, all my tanks are overstocked... I just can't help it!!!


Since you are going with a fowlr set up, I second looking into some decorative macro algae for your display tank. It is really pretty and will add color if you get the right kinds. However, as has already been mentioned, many fish like tangs will eat the macro algae so they may not be compatible with ur fish.

big loo

Right now I only have about 50lbs of live rock but have several more pounds in a curing vat. Also I do have a yellow tang in there, a Koran angelfish, coral beauty angelfish, and 2 one spot fox face rabbit fishes, amongst several other other smaller fishes!

big loo

Jay, so far they are. They stick together all the time... One of them still hasn't settled into the tank, he is easily frightened and is always turning brown! But other than that they are all ok!


Well-Known Member
Hmm very cool .there one of my favorite fish. But I've always seen one per tank. I paired mine w a yellow tang

big loo

I just tried to post a pic of the two foxes, unfortunately since I'm doing it from my phone I could barely see the pic before posting it, I hope it's a decent one!


Well-Known Member
Its a good pic.iam shocked there ok w each other. I have a one spot,but also like the metallic fox. If I upgrade my tank I was thinking of one of those.

big loo

Yeah they get along pretty good, they just need to settle in, they still tend to turn pale whenever I get close to the tank!


Well-Known Member
Yea that's normal. Mine still does it if I spook um. There big eaters too. Lol between him and my tang I feed like 3 cubes if frozen a day,plus there dried seaweed lol

big loo

Yeah Jay, I'm noticing that also, my yellow tang will eat all day if I allowed him. Back to the ich, I still haven't noticed any white spots on any of the fishes, but my cleaner wrasse went from scratching himself on the rocks to now swimming erratically! I took him out the tank and put him in my new qt tank! I have no idea what it might be... I can't see anything, but obviously something is wrong!!


Well-Known Member
Ok is it a blue streaked wrasse? They can be hard to keep BC there primary food are parasites off of fish. Was he eating frozen?

big loo

Yeah Jay, it is a Blue streak cleaner wrasse! Since they primarily eat parasites I figured they were very hardy fishes! I quarantined him yesterday he's just laying on the sand breathing very hard, but as soon as I put food in the tank he gets right up and eats! Yeah, I feed them frozen brine, as well as all other frozen foods by Hikiri, I also feed them flake food, and sheets of seaweed!

big loo

I just got back, I went and got another blue streak cleaner wrasse and I also picked up a cream angel fish!


Well-Known Member
Lol ah very ok it's good he eats. Try mysis shrimp. Its better nutrion wise. There bigger than brine tho so some fish have to get use to it.

big loo

Yeah, I feed them mysis shrimps also. I get them a mixture of something called Marine cuisine, and a couple of others! This hobby gets very expensive after a while cause there will always be something else that you think you'll need! I'm sure you understand Jay, you been doing this longer than me so you can just imagine what I'm going through!