Marine ich

big loo

I just got back, I went and got another blue streak cleaner wrasse and I also picked up a cream angel fish! It should be by the end of this week, as I already have everything ready.


Well-Known Member
Lol I hear ya bud. Iam a live rockaholic. Lol I max out on fish so I buy rock lol. I have a 20 gal I keep a problem dotty back in. I use it as my qt for new fish too. I have like 50lbs of lr in it lol I feed a mix of mysis,spriulina brine and prawn roe. For frozen and new life spec for pellets

big loo

Yeah I just picked 30 more pounds of live rock, my tank too is already overstocked with fishes! But I always feel the need to keep buying!


Well-Known Member
lol I hear ya. Over stocking is a touchy topic. I think it's more important to keep adult fish in a big enough tank more so than a few fish in a small tank. I have a yellow tang and fox in my 75. Both fish its rt around the min for them. I also have 2 clowns,purple fire,2 mandarins. I'd like to get a flasher wrasse as well. Now w those fish stress is minimal BC they all get along fine. I think people get in trouble when they stock fish that are aggressive and stress each other. Combine that w a few too many and not adequate filtration and bang! Bad things. Live rock is also helpful w its bio filtration. I have about 70-90lbs rt now in my 75 w more coming.

big loo

I hear ya, in one of my 65 I have the 2 foxes, 1 yellow tang, 1 cream angel, 1 coral beauty, 6 blue/green chromis, 2 maroon clowns, 2 black clowns, 2 cleaner shrimps, 2 cleaner wrasses, lawn mower Blenny, 1 Koran angel, my CUC... Yeah I know that's a lot that's why I'm always on top of my filtration and pwc... Plus they're all juveniles... I will be moving some as soon as my other 65 is cycled!


Well-Known Member
Wow! Lol the angel and the maroon clowns are the only issue fish I see. The Koran is a big angel full grown. The maroons just tend to get nasty and ate hard to keep w other clowns

big loo

Believe it or not I had the maroons together with the black clowns as well as 2 regular ocellaris clowns and never had any problems! The Koran angel is still small so he will definitely be out of that tank before anything really changes! You know how it is, you go in to buy one thing and before you know it you're saying hey, just one more fish won't hurt! Which we all know it's not true!!!


Well-Known Member
Thats how I got most of my mandarins lol I see them in tanks w no food and most people not knowing how yo care for them and wham! What's one more lol now I have 5! Lol

big loo

Lol, yeah Jay...that's how it always is! Right now I'm cycling another 65gl because there are a few other fishes I want, I also have 37 gallon tall that I would like to set up but have nowhere to put it!!! That sucks!! I got too many tank going as it is. I have a 65 gallon freshwater tank with about 30 African cichlids, I have a 40 gallon with jellybean parrot fishes and about 6 eels, it's sort of a mix tank, there's a little bit of everything in there! But since I started doing saltwater I kind of been neglecting my freshwater fishes... Those tanks are crystal clear and running great, I still make sure of that! Luckily my work hours are very flexible which leaves me enough time to take care of my tanks!


Well-Known Member
Lol nice I have my 75 salt,20 salt,10 gold fish and dresser top Betta tank lol. I want to get a 125-180 gal. My dream fish is a purple tang and they like room. I would prob lose the 20 then tho lol put those fish in the big one

big loo

That's what I'm waiting for right now, a purple tang! Lfs is waiting for that shipment which should be next week. I'm also waiting for a flame angel... He says that's in his Hawaii shipment so that's a few weeks away. My other 65 is almost ready, it had a small spike, which means anytime now my ammonia should reach 1 and then start going down! I have some domino damsels on stand by to throw in there as soon as it's safe enough to complete the cycle...


Well-Known Member
Nice. Watch what u put w the purple. There notoriously nasty.especially w other tangs. I almost got one a few months ago. A lfs got a big one in by mistake and where trying to sell it fast due to its size. 50 bucks it was down too! I just didn't want to disrupt the peace I have in my tank now.


Well-Known Member
Good choice. I wouldn't over stock that tank lol I've seen them chasing fish twice there size! Gorgeous fish tho,a must have for me

big loo

What do you think, can I put the purple tang in the same tank with the flame angel? I know the flame angel is a very aggressive fish as well...


Well-Known Member
Is it a 65? If so that may be too small for a purple. A small one would be ok but as its gets bigger so does the temperament

big loo

ConEdison just came and gave us the bad news... We will be without power for several hours due to a burned out cable outside... Now what am I supposed to do??? I can't get a straight answer out of them as to how long it'll be... All they've said is that it might be up to 8 hours!!!! What type of affect will that have on my aquariums??? I've been back and forth from my office to my house... Restless and somewhat upset, I went to buy a battery powered pump and no one has them!!! It never fails, when you don't need it everyone has them! As soon as you need it you can't find them anywhere!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok u should b ok. Where do u live? Did u try wal mart for a pump? In the fishing dept is where I find them. Or a local outdoor store