i think the americans today forgot our past...in other countries its a pride to fight for their leader. for our country and anyother countries that copied USA's form of government its a pride to fight for our freedom...
before the revolutionary war, the colonies were fighting the land for their king. it wasnt until 1763 that the colonies felt their rights as ENGLISHMEN were taken away, they were fighting the british AS british for better rights as british. get it?...in 1775 it wasnt until the boston massacre that led the colonies to declare their independence. as Jefferson said in The Declaration of Independence,
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
What he is refering to is his right as british. in congress they decieded to create their own form of government, which the first few failed miserably. like The Articles of Confederation for instance. During the Revolutionary war, all our countries framers were fighting for their freedom as AMERICANS, thus following anyone arrogant enough to say:
Originally Posted by windmill
I fight no battle but my own. I will never let some fat-slop-of-sh!t politician or anybody else for that matter decide where I go, what I do, or risk my life for some "greater" good. War is between countries and politicians who want something, let them fight it out, not average citizens trying to live a good life.
your right, war is between two countries which in FACT have conflict with each other. USA has not had a draft since 1969. People have been saying there will be a draft, but there wont be. because AMERICANS now, sign up, which they do sign their rights away along with they will fight for their county, their people, and their leader. So it is your choice if you want to join the marines or not. your opinion is greatly appreciated that you feel that you dont need to get involved with two leaders. fine, good choice, theres 300,000 million people in USA i bet you theres ATLEAST 5 million that feel the same way. BUT you need to realize that the men and women in the middle east right now are fighting for your rights.
by the way, the "war" we are in-in the middle east is not a war. congress did not declare war on, nor did any of the middle east countries.
i only had to educate or enlighten some people because times have changed, people forgot what we are fighting to protect.
oh and i dont think our forefathers would "sht a brick", when they wrote the constitution they left it as vauge as possible, this is because they knew times would change and the country would have to adapt. 1781, all the countries in europe laughed at us, because they thought we were going to fall apart. but guess what, AMERICANS had pride and fought for their freedom. sure we had some ups and downs through the years, but look the branches of government turned it around. now no one is 250 years old to say, "yes im very proud of what we had become" but assuming, that we had only had to amend the constitution 17 times, and our government has not collapsed, and USA being a powerful nation that we are right now, im sure they would be proud. dont forget our framers fought wars too:
battles with american natives
french-indian war
revolutionary war
civil war
yep, i bet other countries laughed at USA when we had a civil war too. the ONLY thing i would think they would be shocked about is our launguage we use and our form of military tactics we use. remember they used to wear BRIGHT colors, stand proud and fire their slow action rifle...anyways....just be more open minded with the americans who have lost their life defending our freedom.