Massive Algae Problems - What to do? (pics)


New Member
I've had my tank for around 4 months now, I've cycled it properly and have had a few fish in for about 3 months.
For some weird reason I have MASSIVE algae problems which I can't seem to get rid of. I've tried 50% water changes and some stones that are supposed to reduce nitrates, however I still get lots of algae on the sides of the tank. Another thing is, whenever I do nitrate tests (I've tried with 2 different packs) it says I have around 12.6mg/l of nitrates, which isn't so high, but why am I getting so much algae?
Here are some pictures:

My tank is 100 gal and I have MH lights.
If it matters the things I have in my tank are:
Volitan Lionfish
Yellow Tang
Domino Damsel
Velvet Damsel
Clarkii Clownfish
2 Shrimp and around 10 snails
Does anyone know of anything I can do to reduce the algae? Why is it growing so much?
Thanks, Zxcs


Just my opinion. You probably need a bigger clean up crew. Crabs more snails etc. Do you use a magnet on your glass?


New Member
Originally Posted by susieq
Just my opinion. You probably need a bigger clean up crew. Crabs more snails etc. Do you use a magnet on your glass?
Yes. I clean the front and sides when it gets really bad, but I'm a little concerned since wouldnt all that algae rotting take away oxygen from the water?


Active Member
ok i'm going to try and help. please dont get offended. first fill up your tank. the water should be all the way to the top. What kind of filters do you have. Get a hob filter with just fiber floss to suck up the algea you scrape off the sides of the tank. how many power heads do you have in there. i would say at least three or four. two pointing at the top, and one or two towards the bottom. how long do you run your lights?? you may need to cut them back a little. do you have any nassuraues snails for your sand bed? you could use 25 or so to clean up the sand. e-mail me if you want more help.
also, what kind of water are you using?? you may need to run some phos guard or simular product.


Yes, it will cause water problems. When you do a water change, do you try to siphon the bottom of the tank where it's really bad? I do this when ever I do a water change, every other week.


New Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
ok i'm going to try and help. please dont get offended. first fill up your tank. the water should be all the way to the top. What kind of filters do you have. Get a hob filter with just fiber floss to suck up the algea you scrape off the sides of the tank. how many power heads do you have in there. i would say at least three or four. two pointing at the top, and one or two towards the bottom. how long do you run your lights?? you may need to cut them back a little. do you have any nassuraues snails for your sand bed? you could use 25 or so to clean up the sand. e-mail me if you want more help.
also, what kind of water are you using?? you may need to run some phos guard or simular product.
Thanks for the tips, with the amount of evapouration I get on the tank (i run a dehumidifier in the same room) I have to top it up with 5 gallons of RO water (I have the RO machine that makes it) every few days. I have 3 power heads that were set up by the guys who installed the tank but I'll move them around so they are pointing like you said. I run my lights around 16hrs a day, I was told this would wear my bulbs out quicker but wasnt told it would have any side effects. In a few hours I'm gunna go out and get some nassuraue snails. The filter I currently have is the one that came with the tank (the Juwel one), at present I just change the top part of the filter every 2 weeks.
Thanks for your suggestion, hope it works.


Zxcs, sorry that you got a mess there for how often you done water changes and for how long is it that your tanks lights are on for?
What is your tanks phosphates and nitrate levels? I do as well believe that your tank nutrients are very high. OK, your tank is still young and slowly your nitrates will rise.
You need to raise your water line and do you have any power heads in your tank? Its hard to tell.
Q My tank is 100 gal and I have MH lights
Dear lord, you need to get those lights off and get yourself just reg Fluorescent Lighting for what I can see, your tank has no corals.


New Member
Originally Posted by DME
Zxcs, sorry that you got a mess there for how often you done water changes and for how long is it that your tanks lights are on for?
What is your tanks phosphates and nitrate levels? I do as well believe that your tank nutrients are very high. OK, your tank is still young and slowly your nitrates will rise.
You need to raise your water line and do you have any power heads in your tank? Its hard to tell.
Q My tank is 100 gal and I have MH lights
Dear lord, you need to get those lights off and get yourself just reg Fluorescent Lighting for what I can see, your tank has no corals.
I have 3 corals which seem to do ok, I'm slowly building but I dont want to put any more in when the sides keep getting algae all over them. I've used poly pads and they dont seem to remove many phosphates. My nitrates are 12.5 mg/l. I currently have 3 powerheads in the tank.


Which three corals have you? For a great number of corals can do rather well under VHO lighting and you wouldn't have to have yourself such a hard battle in controlling your tanks algae.


Active Member
I would start cutting your lights back to at least 10 hrs. if you have pc too then the mh 8 hrs. and pc 10 to 12. I have some nass if you need them. I think you can get your tank cleamed up pretty quick with a few changes and cleanings. good luck to you


Active Member
I hate to state the obvious but how often do you clean it? It looks like you've kind of let your tank go as far as algae scraping. People can recommend all the clean up crews in the world but IMO they cannot take the place of simple maintenance. Take 1/2 hour to scrub and scrape the walls and your tank will look like new. I do this every other week.


Sometimes I use a safety razor on the sides of my glass. I wouldn't use a razor on acrylic and I'm very careful not to have too much of an angle but it's very fast for removing algae.


New Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I hate to state the obvious but how often do you clean it? It looks like you've kind of let your tank go as far as algae scraping. People can recommend all the clean up crews in the world but IMO they cannot take the place of simple maintenance. Take 1/2 hour to scrub and scrape the walls and your tank will look like new. I do this every other week.

I scrape the sides every 4-5 days and it goes back to where it is now. The current state is not that bad compared to after I have left it for a week, at least now I can still see through it. I'll get some more cleanup crew and I'll do 20% water changes every day for a week and hopefully that will get rid of my problem. Usually I change the water every other week.


It's hard to tell from the picture; is your tank set up by a window? Is sunlight affecting your tank?


Active Member
I know it has already been said but cut back on your lights. MH for 16 hours is way to long. I would recommend having the MH for a max of 8 hours a day... Nassarius snails were mentioned and they are nice but if you want help keeping the glass clean buy some Astrea snails, they are usually pretty cheap.


Active Member
I wish i mh on the tank i have now. I wouldnt worry too much the type of alge you have is common in newer tanks. you just have a lot right now.. I dont like the pads too much. I use either phos guard or purigon in my canister to help with phosphates and silicates. also regular water changes.


Active Member
Oh sorry, forgot to mention this but a skimmer is VERY important, I don't remember seeing that you had a protein skimmer, if you don't it would be VERY beneficial.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Oh sorry, forgot to mention this but a skimmer is VERY important, I don't remember seeing that you had a protein skimmer, if you don't it would be VERY beneficial.
Ya I have a skimmer, deltec d600 or something like that, the guys from the store set me up with everything. I guess it is the lights since there are some places where rocks shadow the light and very little algae has grown there.