Mated Pair of Mandarins


Active Member
I have a 75G Reef, with 225 lbs LR and 600 lbs LS. The LR and LS is split among the 75G and the 25G fuge that accompanies it, but I'm not sure how much is in which, but the majority of it is in the Main Tank. My question is whether my tank will be able to sustain a mated pair of Mandarin Dragonettes? I plan on letting my pod population get a steady foothold in the tank before adding the Mandarins, probably 1 yr to 1 1/2 yrs. I also plan to regularly re-stock my tank with LS and the LS Rubble from my LFS, probably every three months. If there is anyone out there that has had any experience with a mated pair of Mandarins, I know you do Bang Guy, please let me know if this is even feasible.
PS The other fish in the tank will include the following. A Kole Tang, 2 Firefish, 2 Black and White Perculas, a Coral Beauty, and of course, the above mentioned pair of Mandarins.


Well, if you are willing to supplement their diet with brine,ect. then you prob. could but a larger tank would be better

bang guy

If you can supplement your tank with Phytoplankton they'll do fine. The Phyto will feed pods which will reproduce faster to feed the Dragonettes. Skip the brine shrimp IMO. A 25 gallon fuge can produce a LOT of food for them and that much rock would be enough by itself.
No need to wait a year. Once you can see lots of pods at night you're ready.
BTW - how did you fit 600 pounds of sand in there?


Active Member
I have a DSB in the 75G, and that's about 450 lbs in itself, and I have a VDSB in the Fuge, I did the 75G's DSB first, and just used what I had left for the fuge, I wouldn't have cared if it was 10" of LS, it would gone in there. It's only about 6-7" though.