And now on a more serious note, this green algae stuff is really pissing me sand is looking pretty disgusting, and my rocks are showing a lot of green...
I've just been really bummed out about the looks of my tank. It looks dull... in my opinion everything just looks like a green mess when looking at my tank from a distance. I know some of you may say otherwise (cause you dont want me to feel bad! or really do think it looks good!) But honestly, I do water changes constantly (approx. once a week, 10-15 gallons) and the green algae grows so fast....
What is the best way to clean the sand? Can the nasty sand be filtered out? I have snails, and hermits but the green algae is forming all on the surface of the sand and down on the glass in the sand bed. I have pics to show.
I know I've ranted about the green algae before but it's just really bumming me out. Parameters appear to be fine...