MAXIMUM Bio load!


New Member
You guys are going to be either amused or shocked.
I have a 220 gallon tank - had it for over 2.6 years. Set it up...never had a protien skimmer...nothing other than bio balls and one of those roll type particulate filters down in the wet/dry for filtration.
Have about....250 lbs of live rock + a 2 inch layer of live sand.
Here's what is THRIVING in the tank:
(2) 8+ inch Black Lionfish (whoppers)
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Purple Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Dogface Black Picus (large)
1 mature Twin Spot Wrasse (huge)
1 mature Dragon Wrasee (large)
1 Foxface Rabbitfish (mature)
1 Blue Hippo Tang (mature)
1 Emperator (fully mature/changed)
1 Powder Brown Tang (medium)
1 Black Angel
1 Blue Lip Angel
2 Groupers (different species - can't remember what they are!)
1 Marine Betta
1 Tasselfin Filefish (huge)
2 Turbo snails (my whopping clean up crew!!)
Obviously I can't put any inverts in the tank - they simply become chew toys for the wrasses.
No special chemicals...okay...and here is where I come clean guys...until last week I hadn't done a water change in 9 months.
Slight issue with algea because direct sunlight hits the tank - I just flip the rocks over every once in a while.
Freek Azz here on the board (and thanks for pointing me over here bro!) can attest that my fish do excellent and with very minimal input from me.
Okay - let's have it! Curses...questions...whatever! Nice to be here everyone!! Looking to learn a lot from you all!


Originally Posted by MasRogue
Ummm...what are those? Is that like a vitamin suppliment?
you must be jokeing?
nitrates are bad.
i would check em to see if they are high. if they are your fish could be in truble


Yeah. I gotta have one of those. One of my faves for sure. And you say he's huge... Obviously you've been successful in keeping him. Do you feed him the three times a day that's recommended? Fabulous fish!
I think your setup is a testament to how well LR filters a tank... not that *I* will be going that route with any of MY tanks! LOL!


New Member
The Lions have poked 5 fish - 3 yellow wrasses, and a tang. All died. My dragon wrasse got poked too...huge ulceration...but like a trooper he pulled through!
Sad/funny story: had a TOTALLY black and white percula clown....not a SINGLE hint of orange on him. Named him Nebro (get it?) One of a kind. Dumped some rosies in for the Lions...the clown went after one...he was a total carnivore....lion went after the same rosie...gulped BOTH of them in a single chomp.
My fiance was HORRIFIED.

My fish DO get fed 3 times a day...morning....5ish...and then when I go to bed. Morning is frozen cubes and freeze dried shrimp...5 is just flakes...bedtime is a compilation of freeze dried shimp and various frozen stuff (brine/krill/bloodworms/greens/etc....) ....something for everybody.


Active Member
this is obviously a HUGE joke that you have a tank with all that in it. But anything is possible..
My point... I'll believe it when i see it!! Dont just brag...... Lets see the pictures!!!!!! expecially full tank pics!! not just individual pics..anyone can get them


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
this is obviously a HUGE joke that you have a tank with all that in it. But anything is possible..
My point... I'll believe it when i see it!! Dont just brag...... Lets see the pictures!!!!!! expecially full tank pics!! not just individual pics..anyone can get them
yeah I will not believe it until I see full tank shots!


Active Member
Well I guess he's not posting any full shots because........he might have a problem with his camera!!!


New Member
LOL...okay okay....let me wait for the lights to come on today and I'll get a few pics.
If Freek Azz pokes his head in here he'll confirm my tank set up and my absolute belief that if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
He has a....540 gallon(?)...has everything under the sun hooked up into it...and had 2-3 total fish kills in the last 18 months.
While me...(laughing)...nothing bad at all (knocking wood!!).
I'll peek back in here trhis eveing with those pics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jupoc911
what r your nitrates? lol

you still havent posted your levels...... THATS what im wanting to know. even with bio balls and a wet dry and live rock, that may bet rid og amonia, but i bet your trates and trites are huge.
PS: if you dont know what those are then you obviously have some research to do.
and by the way, id LOVE to see pics


New Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
you still havent posted your levels...... THATS what im wanting to know. even with bio balls and a wet dry and live rock, that may bet rid og amonia, but i bet your trates and trites are huge.
PS: if you dont know what those are then you obviously have some research to do.
and by the way, id LOVE to see pics

Guys - sorry if I've led you to believe I'm a newbie. I've had saltwater tanks for +6 years, researched the hell out of the topic, and have come to the conclusion that if you use common sense, do things at the right time, and just pay attention to your only need to apply a minimum of attention to it.....while getting maximum enjoyment.
You can even put in fish that normally don't get along with each other (to a degree...some fish no matter WHAT just won't get along)...if you do it properly.
My buddy Freek tweaks his tank ALL the time and has had nothing but problems. That's why he asked me to post up what's in my tank - he gets a kick out of the fact that I don't mess with my stuff and still have huge success with my fish.
Freek did come over last week with a portible custom filter system - he's a genius with that stuff - and we left it run for 2-3 hours. Some type of carbon filtration system - runs through multiple carbon cannisters - sucks the water in - runs it through and back into the tank. I didn't check my levels - just figured that since I hadn't done a water change in 9 months it might be a good idea (ya think??). I imagine my levels right now are in the "norm" after that.
So here come the pics...and sorry about any guys move a lot. And several are just "hiders". My foxface sits behind the overflow box, my dragon was buried tonight, the black angel prefers the rocks, one grouper just lurks and rarely makes an appearance, and the marine betta is a shy one. But...I did try to capture pics of everyone that was out and about.
Seriously guys - everything I listed IS in the tank - they all get along - and they are all growing. Well - my powder brown hasn't grown much but he IS getting prettier every day!

Here is the betta and the blue line grouper (had to go look up what grouper he was!).
