MAXIMUM Bio load!


New Member
Here is the yellow/powder brown tangs. And the twin spot (another hider - but at least he wasn't buried!).



New Member
Okay you nay-sayers!
Now note that the tail end of the powder brown is in this next one with the Dogface Black Picus....



New Member
Oh! My avatar is a pic of my dragon wrasse - forgot about that! He usually only comes out in the day and buries himself in the sand at night.
Okay...full tank pics.
The second picture shows (in part or whole):
2 lions
Yellow/PB/Sailfin tang
Blue lip angel
Emperator (I think that's him that looks like a blob)
Like I said I have some that just hide: the betta, one grouper, the twin spot, dragon, black angel...and for some reason my purple tang was being shy tonight.
Oh fiance just called me to say the drago is "out". You'll like the picture I just took of him...he's soooooooooooooooooo tricky!



New Member
Oh! I do also have an inline spa filter hooked up (you can see it in the lower left of the full tank pic.). Sometimes I have a filter in it - sometimes I don't.
My UV sterilizer has been down since August - just got new bulbs today.
Let's see...anything else?....yes...last week Freek and I hooked up a skimmer...figure even though I don't think it pays to screw around with what HAS been working...a skimmer won't HURT anything.
Don't hate me because I have a fishie green thumb guys!!
And I HAVE had failures! I've had 3 stripped sharks jump out of the tank - damned hard to feed with other fish in the tank - things are almost blind.
I can't get a Pinnatus to live no matter what I do - although - in a species only tank - feeding them ONLY M.Y.S.I.S. shrimp - I think I could do it.
Red tailed/6 line/Christmas luck!
My Nano cube is just a death trap - pipefish, seahorses, wrasses...the only success I've had is with a big Percula clown and aptasia...REAL huge success with that. (sigh). If they could figure out how to get better circulation and maybe a protein skimmer hooked up I might be happier!


New Member
Oh my Gawd - a doubting Thomas! You'll note I tied my purple tang in with one with the lionfish since it's not in the big tank picture....
LOOK CAREFULLY - there are at LEAST 10 in the big tank pic...11 I think...a tail here...a face there...on the edges of the pic (filefish and brown tang) least 10....and I only have 18 fish + 2 snails. Want pics of the snails?????
Do YOU get ALL of your fish out at once? Sheesh! I have wrasses, groupers and a betta...they HIDE!


Active Member
i am no expert... i dont claim to be, but as i said if you habe 20+ fish you must have been able to get more than 7 fish out at once?? i am in no way doubting you, but i would like to see a full tank shot with more than 7 fish if you have 20 in the same tank


trust me ladies and dubting tomas's I don't know how he is doing it either but it's working. The Emperoter angel that I gave hime 3 years ago went trough the complete cycle to adulthood. Every fish in this tank is thiving all were bought at 1" to 3" sizes. They are all now about tripeld in size. Don't doubt this guy he is a fish guru. Except "for my morish idol"and yes every fish that he mentioned that is in his tank is in there. He's not bull$#-%ing u.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MasRogue
Ummm...what are those? Is that like a vitamin suppliment?
dude have you done any reaserch on fish!!!!! :scared: not flaming you or anything though just :scared:


Nice tank man keep up the good work. I like your fish, and i counted more than 10 for sure lol well good luck and tc. I sure some of them are hiding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
That dogface picus is really nice. Are they easy to care for?

It is a sweetlips, so the answer is "not really." Most sweetlips don't do all that well.
Kudos for keeping THAT one for sure. How long have you had it?


Is there a fish it is on par with? I've kept difficult fish before. What, other than size, is hard about keeping it?


I don't doubt you in the least. My 140 gallon (which I've mentioned many times before) put your current tank to shame in the overcrowding dept. I also never did water changes, fed them like pigs, and I just remembered that we used to dump copper into the tank just to kill the occasional algae on the glass and rocks. I'm glad there are other people who realize that sometimes the less you do, the better it is. Now that my current tank is cycled I'll be adding fish and probably not doing water changes, just adding Chemi Pure to the filtration.
Hey, let's have a race. First one to 30 fish wins! :)


New Member
Fishfinder - Good Eyes!!

Jr2857 - I was kidding my friend! Of COURSE I've researched!
Kamaquzi21 - Thank You!!
Boalgf - I guess I lucked out - I hear they ARE difficult to care for. When I got mine he was fairly small, 2-3 inches, but he eats like a CARP...just keeps growing and growing.
Mystic7 - AHHHHHHHHH!....a fellow fish abuser! Copper for the algae, hmmm? Okay...guess I gotta go out and get some copper now. WILL just be dumping in 30-40 fish right out of the box into the new tank, right? Hell with the onezie-twozie at a time thing.
And did you do what I do to properly cycle the tank? - drink a few beers and pee into it? Cycles 'em right up every time. And from time to time I do so just to "charge" the water a bit. Adds a lot of color to my tangs.
(kidding you guys - I'm KIDDING)