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Hurricane Alicia was a catagory 3 hurricane that killed 21 people or so and caused extensive flooding.
Tropical Storm Allison hit a few years ago and also caused extensive flooding and destruction after it basically stalled out.]
IMO, I would say that there is a considerable difference between how New Orleans handled their storm, and the plans for Galveston and Houston. But it was on paper, and though they followed it, there were a lot of issues not taken into consideration that they are learning about now. This storm is scheduled to hit Saturday morning, and evacuations were being carried out on Tuesday, with buses etc used to remove people from Galveston, hospitals and nursing homes...lots of plans and opportunities for people to call for assistance, etc. But nothing works perfectly when it involves so many unknowns (eg taking into account another major hurricane with regional impacts only a few weeks prior). Clearly there are major issues and they best get their acts together...but all in all they've been very clear and decisive in what they want from people. The actual logistics are just not working out.
Tropical Storm Allison hit a few years ago and also caused extensive flooding and destruction after it basically stalled out.]
IMO, I would say that there is a considerable difference between how New Orleans handled their storm, and the plans for Galveston and Houston. But it was on paper, and though they followed it, there were a lot of issues not taken into consideration that they are learning about now. This storm is scheduled to hit Saturday morning, and evacuations were being carried out on Tuesday, with buses etc used to remove people from Galveston, hospitals and nursing homes...lots of plans and opportunities for people to call for assistance, etc. But nothing works perfectly when it involves so many unknowns (eg taking into account another major hurricane with regional impacts only a few weeks prior). Clearly there are major issues and they best get their acts together...but all in all they've been very clear and decisive in what they want from people. The actual logistics are just not working out.