Meanest Fish You've Seen


Just curious what people say.
The meanest fish that I've ever encountered was an undulated trigger at the LFS I worked for. We could never keep anything with it. He once took a powder blue grouper that was several times larger than him within an inch of its life. The grouper certainly would have died had we not moved it, and it took a couple months to recover from the assault.
Anyone ever had fish with similair social skills?


Easy one. My old undulated trigger... it wouldn't allow any other fish in its tank, viciously attacking it over and over. Finally gave it to someone locally, then later I ran into this guy and he told me he also had to give the undy to someone else because it tried to kill all his fish, inlcuding a large eel.


Funny, occasionally you can find a somewhat docile undulated, and other times, you could swear they're the spawn of Satan.


My lawnmower blenny... He chases and tries to bite the tail off of my diamond goby. Its kinda fun to see him try to chase him but the goby is faster and when he sees the blenny he opens his mouth all the way and inches towards him.
The blenny has also bite my foxface on the side before when I had sheet algae in the tank.
Overall everyone still gets along.


Blennies are a lot meaner than they look. I've had a bi-color and a lawnmower and both liked to hide in the rocks and bite fish that went by.


My Snowflake Eel is an Absolute Killer! Ripped a Yellow Tank to Pieces and will attack your hand if you put it in there...


Active Member
Meanest fish I've seen....Queen Trigger.
Meanest fish I've owned....Achilles Tang (yes, he was nastier than my current Sohal).


My father's lawnmower blenny used to pick up hermit crabs in his mouth, swim across the tank, and throw them into the glass. He quickly earned the nickname "The Terrorist."


My blennie doesnt move crabs or snails but my diamond goby does it. Sometimes they are really big and he gets very upset when them come near his home.

crypt keeper

Active Member
SaltwaterMy fimby eel. I couldnt keep any fish with him. I tried keeping a Coral beauty with him. That didnt last long. He hated fish. Hated them! Now the most aggressive nastiest fish I have ever owned. Snakehead. He was about 2.5 feet in length and was eating mice goldfish sunfish bass. Anything I put in that tank. I bought a 4 foot caimen. He tried to rip the caimen in half. I dont think any fish can top them.


Well-Known Member

I have always been very careful with what I put in a community tank (fresh or salt). A lesson I learned years ago when I added a very small Oscar to my freshwater tank…it killed every fish in the 55g. I was horrified. I hate those fish and the meanest I personally ever owned.


Yep, Maroons are some mean little guys (or gals). That's the only type of clown that I've seen feed live fish to their anemones.


Originally Posted by Flower

I have always been very careful with what I put in a community tank (fresh or salt). A lesson I learned years ago when I added a very small Oscar to my freshwater tank…it killed every fish in the 55g. I was horrified. I hate those fish and the meanest I personally ever owned.
LOL...FLOWER that is funny....Sounds to me like YOU didn't do your research

Oscars are like freakin piranhas
You know I'm teasing you...right


Active Member
My yellow tang....who has killed 4 fish since I have owned him, and attacks the scraper or my hand, whichever is in the tank at the time. His nickname is tiny, but he is far from it! HaHaHa.


How can you hate an oscar? Sure, they're vicious, but they've got so much personality. And biting you is just their way of saying "I love you, Master."


my was an undulted trigger it bit me in the pinky finger when i was 19, it hated anything and everything, lets just say im aloy careful now