MEGA baby shrimp


LOL....I took some pics of the latest births in my Seahorse tank
this time it is baby Peppermints.....

What I don't understand is HOW I have things spawning left and right in this tank....YET my sh's are dropping like flies


Well poo. Maybe my shrimp will make babies soon. Sometimes my temps are a little higher when it's really hot but my temps are about the same


I thought my peppermints had spawned because they were carrying eggs not so long ago. But now that I think about it if they BOTH had eggs........
Anyways, I see what looks like a small swarm of dark colored gnats moving swimming in one of my rock crevices. I have no idea what they are.


Peps have live births.....they are usually light in color...and you can tell they are shrimp....LOL

mr. limpid

Active Member
So do you raise them? How many will survive? Do you leave them in the same tank as the parents? I have so many questions LOL, that is so cool when they reproduce in our tanks. I have had yellow tail damsel and percula reproduce, never had any live past the night. Fish, filter or both got them b4 the morning came.


Usually they are gone very quickly...they become fish food....and I have never tried to raise any.