Mega-Powerful Nitrate and Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium, Everything


ok , if u have a tank w overflow , cant u just add a light to shine in there to get same effect? i have alot of algea on the wall the water falls down on its way down to my sump , i have added reef bugs to my 55 gal tank mos ago , still have not seen any , i have a friend with a 24 nano , about 1.5 yrs old got all kinds o bugs in filter and tank , he does NO maintnence , i did a 4 gal water change other day , first time any water changed in a year :( , tank and corals r very healthy ,anyway just wondering about overflow spot on tank , maybe add a light and a screen ?


Active Member
It might help... but I'm willing to bet that an overflow will not give you the surface area you need to effectively filter your tank. Also, as the algae grows, it will likely plug the drain of your overflow and then the overflow will become your tank.


What Sly said :)
It's very difficult to convert an overflow to a scrubber. Easier to build a separate scrubber, unless you are very very good at DIY.


wow what a great thread, this is perfect for any tank, its basically a must from what i read.

Anyway i have a 28g nano and i would love to get one put it would have to be in the back of the tank and on the floor, also i would like if it was all contained so no splashing would happen.
i have to think about how exactly i will do this.


Active Member
I picked up a mesh today at the hardware store. Its called weed block. Its landscape fabric, meant to keep weeds from springing up. I was going to get burlap, but thought against it because the last thing I need is micro fibers floating around. Will this work when I build my screen?


Halo you might talk to nitschke65; he built a really neat nano version and might be able to help you.
Neptune that stuff would work, if you could keep it straight. It's flimsy and might need a frame.


Bob the (reef) Builder on the SARK site made a PDF for a club presentation three months ago, and I just found it; maybe it could be used by others. It's posted on the scrubber site.


i added a scrubber several months ago after reading this thread. my nitrates and P slowly lowered and went to zero for the first time. they have both been at zero since. everytime i check levels i am expecting to see a rise but always zero. i also added cheato to my system and i believe boths items are a must for any system. so glad i read this thread, and everytime someone posts on it, it goes back to the top so hopefully some other newb will read it


Active Member
I leave my lights on 24/hrs and am satisfied with the results but it would probably be better to leave them on 24/hrs initially, until you get a good harvest, and then cut them back to give the algae some darkness. I'd probably use something like a 16 on, 8 off timer.


Active Member
Went to JoAnn fabrics (no mancard violations here please) and picked up a pc. of plastic canvas. Here is my plan. It is going into the second chamber of an Oceanic BC29.

Do you think this will work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
I leave my lights on 24/hrs and am satisfied with the results but it would probably be better to leave them on 24/hrs initially, until you get a good harvest, and then cut them back to give the algae some darkness. I'd probably use something like a 16 on, 8 off timer.
Sly, Do you think this is why you get such good growth, or do you think it is the scrubber?


Active Member
Seems like in some post on this thread Santa Monica said about 1 square inch per gallon of water. I suspect in the 29 after displacment there is really around 22 gallons of water. I am looking at a pc. about 7x3.5 or so. So pretty close. But Posiden what are you seeing as far as performance with yours?
And are you the same Posiden from MRers?


Active Member
I am not the same, sorry.
You are right about the size for a screen that is light on both sides. Yours will only be light on the one side so you and I have to double it. I am happy so far. Mine is still in the begining stages so I am just getting out of the brown stages. I am seeing the green start to take over.


Active Member
Gottcha, thanx for the clarifictaion. I'm gonna give it a try anyway. The only cost to me is the plastic canvas, all $0.79 of it. I will post here the good the bad and the ugly of the tryout. Already have the light and everything else as the chamber is now a fuge with just the Chemipure, Purigen, and a good bunch of Chaetomorpha.


Active Member
How many watts are you running on the light. You also have it drawn the light from the top. If the chaeto is in the back the scrubber will block all the light.


Active Member
yeah gonna pull the Chaeto out. The light is 13 watt PC. It is the Azoo Galaxy light. Has done good with the growth on the Chaeto. The back looks like this right now.


Active Member
Give it a shot. I tryed it to start off with a low wattage bulb as well and I had to cave in and get the 23watt=100watt blub. I then got way better growth. My chamber is lighted from the back. I scraped off the black paint so the light can pass through the glass. I am sure you have seen the mod before.
By the way how are you doing the drawings?