After reading a lot of positive feedback I built a scrubber last week. It's an in-sump design and is on my 125 fish only. My nitrates have always been high
(160+ppm) so this should be an interesting test. Hopefully my water quality will improve like others. The screen is around 12x18 and is getting great water flow. The only thing I would like to improve is the lighting.
1st picture-seeding the screen.
2nd picture-scrubber set-up
3rd picture-pipes
4th picture- day 4 growth
5th picture- day 7 growth ( right side of screen has a lot of growth not visible because of bubbles in the water)
Towards the bottom of the screen you will notice very little growth. That is due to the water level sometimes raising when I need to top-off my aquarium. I have noticed a lot of evaporation since setting this up but if my water quality improves I don't mind at all.