Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics


I had a quick question:
Whats the difference between Zoos and Zoas? I know Zoa stands for Zoanthids, but what are zoos? Do they look similiar? Thanks guys!
Will post my ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate in a bit. Also going to start to get some water going for a 20% water change.

mpls man

Active Member
Originally Posted by Bruder
No difference at all, just another "nickname" if you will

i like your avatar, where did you get the clowns??


Originally Posted by MPLS MAN
i like your avatar, where did you get the clowns??
Thanks but I most admit they aren't mine. I do have a pair of False Percs (one orange and one black) but they are still young.


Just got done testing my water and starting some new water for a change.
SG: 1.024
pH: The color of the water does not match any color on the chart so Im gunna get a new one tomorrow.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5
Calcium: 330
Alkalinity: 10.9 dKH
I am hearing reports that new Salifert Alkalinity kits are giving too high of readings. Of course I have a fairly new one so im concerned about this. Im going to pick up a different Alk. test kit tomorrow and compare.
By the looks of it my cycle is over!
Ill give it a another day or 2 to ghost feed it like I have been. If the readings are still looking good im going to do a water change and get my clean up crew (and try to get that calcium and alk level in check)! Finaly coming along. It seems like it took for ever... and my cycle didnt even take that long. Think thats it for now. Any comments on the salifert test kits? My calcium test kit is also Salifert so am wondering if something may be up with that too.



I went out and got a new pH test kit. My pH read 7.8. Im thinking this might have something to do with my high alk and low calcium as they all are tied together. My water is ready for a water change so I think tomorrow or sunday im gunna do it. Here is the updated list on the corals im getting at the frag swap later this month:
3 polyps of all Pink Zoas
3 polyps of all Blue Zoas
5 poylps of Orange Bam Bam Zoas
3 Polyps of Neon Green Cloves
1 Fuzzy Green Shroom
1 Head of Bright Green Hammer


Bubble Tip Anenome in a 14 gallon with stock lighting in a few months? What are your views?
Also I know corals dont put as much of a bioload compared to fish in a tank but can too many at once put the tank in a mini cycle?
Looking forward to your opinions.



corals wont add to your bioload enough to worry about. no biggie there.
In a 14 I would stear clear of the anemone though it will roam the tank and sting all your other corals in a 14 there isnt that much room to roam. something else is they can and do get REALY large and the anemone will out grow the tank quick if conditions are right.
Nice looking tank do you have any recent pics of it since you started adding corals to it.


No corals as of yet. I still have to get a water change and a clean up crew in. Those are the corals I am getting at a local frag swap on Aug. 26th. The list is updated a little bit so I guess I will post it:
3 polyps of all Pink Zoas
3 polyps of all Blue Zoas
5 poylps of Orange Bam Bam Zoas
5 polyps of Bright green w/ orange mouths Zoas
3 Polyps of Neon Green Cloves
2 Fuzzy Green Shrooms
I want to get a few pieces of ricordea and a nice calaustrea (if my stock pc ligting permits, any input on that?) as well.
I heard about an anemone in a smaller tank. Just didnt know what the size limit was and thought I might be able to pull it off but Ill be fine without one.
Mike - Thanks for taking a minute to check out my thread

efishnsea - Thanks a lot! The diary is a bit meticulous, but I like it!
Will update if anything new comes along


not a problem..
what wattage of PC do you have on there and what K rating?
what part of michigan are you from?


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
not a problem..
what wattage of PC do you have on there and what K rating?
what part of michigan are you from?
For the lighting I have 1 - 24w 10K and 1 - 24w 50/50 bulb
I live in south-east MI. About 20 miles north of the ann arbor area if you know where that is.


I grew up in South Bend IN LOL
your probably going to be alright with most coral since its a smaller tank. you may need to place things like the calustera towards the top of the tank though to make sure it gets enough light.


Tank looks great.

Man those first weeks are sure hard, you always want to add something but always scared if it's to soon.
Good luck!


Thanks for the info mike. You seem to know all the answers. Maybe you should stick around for a while.

Thanks for the kind words tne. Good to see you stop by.
Doing a water change tomorrow, in the next few days im gunna add my clean up crew.


hey be careful of the zoo's. I believe they have that deadly toxin (palytoxin) that can kill you. So make sure you don't have any major cuts on your hands when you touch them or move them around. Here is some info:
"Zoanthids contain the highly toxic substance palytoxin. Palytoxin is one of the most toxic organic substances in the world, but there is an ongoing debate over the concentration of this toxin in these animals.[citation needed] However, even in small quantities, the toxin can be fatal should it be ingested or enter the blood stream. If delivered immediately, vasodilators injected into the ventricle of the heart can act as an antidote.[1]
In order for this toxin to be dangerous to humans, the average aquarist would need to ingest the zoanthid in sufficient quantities, or brush a recent cut over it. Average handling, propagation and aquarium maintenance is unlikely to pose any danger beyond a localized skin reaction."


Looks like your biocube 14 is comming out pretty well. I hate my biocube, I wish I would have stuck with the 24gal. It seems like after 2 corals you run out of space quick with all the rocks. My bubble coral has grown so big that it takes up 4inchs of space on all sides. My frogspawn takes up the same amount as does my hammer coral. The only thing I like about the biocube 14 is the water changes. I only have to take out 2 1/2 gallons of water per week compared to almost 5 with the 24gal.


yes zoos do have a toxin that cn hurt you if they are harmed and cut its best to use non power gloves when messing with them and wash your hands very well after taking off the gloves and DONT touch you face or mouth till youve done that.