Melee's new BioCube 14 tank diary! Pics


Looks good, but I'd cut back the astreas to maybe 2 or 3. They are excellent lawnmowers and with that many the odds are good that they'll starve each other out over time.
Good luck Sunday, you're likely to come back with more than you bargained for :p


Thanks all, I cant wait to get everything. Tomorrow night I will post some pics of everything!!!
Im planning on getting a few really nice rics as well so thats a big plus!

Tonight I have to prep for the new additions and have a crap ton to do, all while still maintaining a social life.



Just have to do some last minute prep of the cooler before the swap and then im off! Ill post a bunch of pics tonight around 8 or so of my sweet new additions.


I got back about an hour ago. It was really fun and there were a ton of great pieces. I got 4 or 5 more corals not on the list. Just too cool or too cheap to pass up!
I took a few pics of peices that were already open, I will take a few more and an FTS a little later when everything opens up good.



I would try to remove that macro algae it can grow really really fast and overtank your tank in a short time.
other than they look great is that all of them or did you get a few others I knew you said you were taking some extra dough LOL


oh, there is plenty more pieces! Round 2 of pics. The quality isnt that great because I dont know how to manualy opporate my camera, but I am trying to learn. The back of the tank on the black is looking nasty but I just added some cleaners so lets hope they take care of that. Here they are!



I just noticed on the second picture (pink zoas) is one of my emerald crabs hiding under the frag mount. That seems to be his favorite spot so far.


Active Member
Nice frags, looks like you made out really well. I love that ricordia... Wish we could find those around here. Maybe I need to go to a frag swap.
How do these swaps work exactly? Can anyone bring frags? Do these guys bring small tank systems and put stuff on display or what?


Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Nice frags, looks like you made out really well. I love that ricordia... Wish we could find those around here. Maybe I need to go to a frag swap.
How do these swaps work exactly? Can anyone bring frags? Do these guys bring small tank systems and put stuff on display or what?
Thanks. I love everything that I got, even the brown palys or zoas or whatever they are because they only cost $5. I cant pass up a deal like that.
For the swap I went to it cost $3 to get in. People that are selling frags have to purchase a table for like $20. Buyers were alowed to bring up to 5 frags, anything more than that you are considered a seller and must purchase a table. A lot of sellers like to do pre-orders, where they post their frags for sale on a message board and buyers claim what they want and exchange cash for frags at the swap. There was also sellers that set up a display tank and put the frags in that, or even pre-bag them up and have pictures of the actuall frags. All in all it was a fun time with great frags and even better prices.
Any type of coral you want, you can probably find it at the swap, tons of variety. About 70 people where there when I went and about 25 sellers.