Member Meet Up


Active Member
Many people have been following Flower's sump build. I, as well as many other people, have been touched by the support that Flower has received after the destruction of the first sump by the UPS gorillas. Many people out of their own kindness volunteered to help see to project to completion. The project is almost in the final phases of completion, and Flower has expressed a desire to meet the individuals that helped with the project. So, a member meet up is in the works. This meet up is open to all members of the forum and their families. Now, we need help picking a location. The criteria is that it must be family friendly.
Some ideas being kicked around are:
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The lakes of Oklahoma. Just to give an idea of the area
MACNA which will be held in Des Moines, Iowa this year.
Las Vegas (this idea was tossed around in the thread)
Orlando, Florida (great family spot)
Your suggestions welcomed
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Well-Known Member
Don’t be shy to speak up, we can’t tweak the plans if we don’t know your needs. This is in the plans for summer when the children are out of school, so there is plenty of time to change and fine tune things as we go.
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/382465/member-meet-up#post_3337951
Many people have been following Flower's sump build. I, as well as many other people, have been touched by the support that Flower has received after the destruction of the first sump by the UPS gorillas. Many people out of their own kindness volunteered to help see to project to completion. The project is almost in the final phases of completion, and Flower has expressed a desire to meet the individuals that helped with the project. So, a member meet up is in the works. This meet up is open to all members of the forum and their families. Now, we need help picking a location. The criteria is that it must be family friendly.
Some ideas being kicked around are:
[list type=decimal]
The lakes of Oklahoma. Just to give an idea of the area
MACNA which will be held in Des Moines, Iowa this year.
Las Vegas (this idea was tossed around in the thread)
Orlando, Florida (great family spot)
Your suggestions welcomed
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I’m so excited about meeting everyone. This is not a trip just for those who think they contributed allot. Everyone who ever offered a suggestion, posted a pic of what gizmo to try or just followed along. Monsinour said he contributed little and wasn’t thinking of attending...nothing is further from the truth.
I have gotten to know so many of you on the forum; it would be grand to plan a vacation week for all of us to come together. If your time is limited, or funds tight speak up. We will find a way. Cheap places do exist where we can fun. If you can’t attend for the whole week, plan to attend for a weekend.
My only suggestion is to pick an area with lots of different things around. A hotel for those of us who are not into camping, and camp sites for those of us who do like it and it’s a cheap easy way to vacation..Hopefully surrounded by child friendly things to do and a store to get anything forgotten or needed. Since we are coming from different states...I for one will have to either rent a car after arriving or bum a ride, because I can’t drive on expressways and plan on a train or bus ride to get there.

Don’t be shy to speak up, we can’t tweak the plans if we don’t know your needs. This is in the plans for summer when the children are out of school, so there is plenty of time to change and fine tune things as we go.


YUP...that is why Gemmy added
This meet up is open to all members of the forum and their families


Active Member
my friends daughter who just turned 30 just got her drivers licence.only because everyone got tired of driving her around.she is terrified to drive and probably smart .


Active Member
My best friend hates driving over bridges and her mother cannot drive on highways, so for road trips I am the elected driver.


Active Member
OK, so who all here has been over the original Skyway bridge in tampa post accident and pre new skyway? That is one heck of a bridge and It even bothered me to be driving along and all of a sudden the other side of the bridge is not there anymore? I would just say grow a pair and get over it, but then again, we all have our own irrational fears and we have to deal with them as we can. I am afraid of heights and yet I have been bungee jumping thrice. Bungee Jumping, all the thrill of suicide with none of the reprocusions. I have also been indoor skydiving and I am looking into a decent place in GA to actually jump out of a plane when I get down there. But, stick me at the top of a tall building near a window or at the top of a roller coaster and I turn into the biggest girl around. First time I rode the millenium force at cedar point, I think i almost peed my pants cresting the top of the hill. I was way too scared. But it was one hell of a roller coaster ride.
As far as my family and I are concerned, 8 hours drive time max + places for dogs is required. We might be able to go as far south as DC and as far west as my old home town of Toledo OH.


OH YES.....have to bring the doggies.....My cats will be okay for a couple of a weekend is it for me

I have NO ONE that I can trust to check on them or my fish.....HMMMM....wonder why I never go anywhere :(


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/382465/member-meet-up#post_3337982
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/382465/member-meet-up#post_3337969
I for one will have to either rent a car after arriving or bum a ride, because I can’t drive on expressways
and plan on a train or bus ride to get there.
um....inquisitive minds want to know, why?

I was run off the road by a truck when my kids were small, we were trapped for over a hour...I'm phobic now and go white knucked then blank if a truck comes near..I'm not safe to drive, and I'm not real good as a passenger either..I try and sleep if someone is driving. It's only in a city that it happens..heavy traffic, I'm fine on the open highway.


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382465/member-meet-up#post_3338132
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I honestly think that Orlando or MACNA would be best.
I kinda like the idea of MACNA.....But it's in IOWA blah.....LOL....I spent a couple of weeks there one winter with my were little and in NY, and he was on a job....OMG IT WAS COLD
That's the only downfall. But, MACNA fits with US as a whole, ya know?