Mercury vapor, will it work?


I am new to reef keeping and have a 250 watt mercury vapor ballast and pendant (came from a theater caliber balck light).
I was wondering if I can use this light on a reef tank?

bang guy

Yep. You can use it and it will grow coral but it may not be very pretty. If you can find the lamp color (Kelvin value) that will tell you more. I use a 6500K MV lamp and it's pretty good but most are in the 4000K range and are far too Yellow or even Green to look very nice for an aquarium.


This particular lamp is high on the blue side because it was used to emit "black light". The end result coming from a glass filter. I removed the filter and gave it a try and it looks great, not yellow or green at all just a bright blueish-white. I think I now have a light for another set-up.
I use the Iwasaki 250 . I think that it has a very yellow green color. So I burn 2 Normal output actinic bulbs with it. It really makes a difference.
Of course, we're talking opinion here.
The I -250 cost me about $70 each.