Mh and PC lighting BANG , THOMAS , MUDPLAYER Calling all Resources


That's close to my schedule, only I just have one MH so I can't stagger, but other than that, almost identical. My Goniopora is so full and open, with constant bi-directional water flowing through it. It sways back and forth constantly. My shrooms are always fully open and flouresce under the actinics. It also cool under the moonlight. Lots of neat nighttime action you would otherwise never see going on.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Oceanists
so with that type of lighting and my great water qaulity i should be able to keep just about anything , right ?


Thanks for the help.
Oceanists would you care to take a pic when you're done so I can see how you did that?


Active Member
yeah fishermon , probably wont be done for a couple of weeks , but ill shoot you some pictures .......... i could also shoot you a picture of the diagram i have that i will probably stick to .................. my wife is setting up getting the MH for christmas Im so excited


I sometimes wish mine was like this. I have 4 atinics so real blue in the am and in the pm only run to halides for 6 hours and the atinincs 2 hours before and 2 hours after. Then the moonlights come on. You could have more true daylight time with it like that.