MH Light makes temp rise


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Point the fan at the water instead of the bulb. Cooling a MH bulb does not change the temperature of the water and makes the bulb run less efficiently.

Even if my water stays at 78 degrees? :notsure:

bang guy

Originally Posted by slgcmg
Even if my water stays at 78 degrees? :notsure:
LOL... no, just turn the fan off then. You don't want to cool off a MH bulb. Cooling flourescent bulbs will increase the life of the bulb but that's not true for HID bulbs.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
LOL... no, just turn the fan off then. You don't want to cool off a MH bulb. Cooling flourescent bulbs will increase the life of the bulb but that's not true for HID bulbs.

The reason I bought the fan was because the first two days I had my MH set up my tank got to like 84 degrees. Since I set up the fan to blow on the bulb it only gets to 78.


Active Member
Originally Posted by washowi
Also single ended without glass shield = very bad idea. I am not sure that the glass bulb has UV protection, but if you get a water splash on that f-ing 1000 degree bulb, BANG!! glass all in your aquarium. Try and clean that up!
As Bang Guy already explained single ended bulbs already have UV protection. I'm not sure why water would splash up 8" or so but if it did there's a possibility it could shatter. I personally ran 2-400w MHs for over three years with no protection and never had one break... even the time I was cleaning my powerhead and accidental sprayed one :scared:


Originally Posted by Jupoc911
78 degrees imo is not the best temperature. If you read through borneman's book you will be shocked to see that the average reef temp is 82 degrees.
Tell you what. I am diving with Eric Borneman on Thursday. I am picking him up and will be with him for 3 days. I will ask him, I bet he says otherwise. But I will post what he says.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
As Bang Guy already explained single ended bulbs already have UV protection. I'm not sure why water would splash up 8" or so but if it did there's a possibility it could shatter. I personally ran 2-400w MHs for over three years with no protection and never had one break... even the time I was cleaning my powerhead and accidental sprayed one :scared:
Once guys live dangerously. Come on. What do you mean how can water splash 8" ?? You have a tank for 3 years? This is a difficult forum for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by washowi
Once guys live dangerously. Come on. What do you mean how can water splash 8" ?? You have a tank for 3 years? This is a difficult forum for me.
i think i missed the part where they offered poor advice


I deleted that part. Who I am to say that I think you need glass protection over your tank from exploding bulbs by some happenstance. If you don't want to, don't do it. I would never offer that to someone starting this hobby. If others wish to, fine.
I personally think that is poor advice, but that's me. That's why I changed it. Seems if you offer an opinion- there is someone right behind saying BS. "i have done that for years" Well that doesn't make it right and you just got lucky.


Active Member
Originally Posted by washowi
Once guys live dangerously. Come on. What do you mean how can water splash 8" ?? You have a tank for 3 years? This is a difficult forum for me.
I did not say I had a tank for three years... I said I ran 2-400w MHs for over three years. There is more than one way to run a reef... if you want a shield then fine but I don't see where they are nessesary when running SE bulbs. If you think that is poor advise then we can agree to disagree. A lot of people run MHs without protective shields and do not have any problems... not just me.
Living dangerously... a little off the deep end I'd say.