MH too close? PICS Inside


I still think the reflecter I posted a picture of might be your best bet. It might not be the easiest way up front but it might be the best way long term.
I had the same problem your'e having when I upgraded from PC to MH and I went with the mounting them to a board I idea for a while but I didn't realize how much light I was shadowing with the MH reflecters until I switched to this new type.
Hope all works out well for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KOgle
Wow guess that wasn't a good idea. Sorry...... Journeyman was that a link? If so please show me where it took you...
I also think it's a little absurd you threaten to ban me for this??? I mean I could see if it were an actual link but it was no where close....
You posted a competitor site, while showing that you KNEW the rules not to.
This forum exists by the grace of SWF. Please be respectful of them and their business.


Active Member
I was considering cutting off a section of the reflectors to let the vho light shine through...but I thought these reflectors were designed for maximum efficency and me hacking the h3ll out of it would be detrimental for the actual amount of light being re-directed. I mean... people spend tons of money trying to find the right combination of lights,ballast,reflectors,kelvin,wattage, PAR,etc..etc..(not me of course) now to suggest altering a "factory set-up"...Blasphemy!!!!
LOL Seriously though..Thanks for the replies.. I think I will mount the VHOs "outside" the reflectors. NOW I need MOONLIGHT suggestions.... ***) ***) ***)

bang guy

Mounting ouside the reflectors is the best idea. Restrike is even more damaging to flourescent phosphors than heat and the heat will be bad enough.

bang guy

Originally Posted by coachKLM
dont forget to take off the blue film before turning on MH (just a reminder.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
dont forget to take off the blue film before turning on MH (just a reminder.)
Yeah, I was just leaving it on until I COMPLETELY finish the hood........ :thinking: at the rate Im going could be another 2 months.