MI fishie open house


Active Member
Hey all...reposting this from my other thread--i'm doing a fishie open house to part out the items in my tank today 5-8 pm. items listed below--call (734) 845-6376 or e-mail triathlongeek@hotmail.com me if you need directions or have questions!
$60 purple tang (it's been a rescue project so it still has some signs of HLLE, but is much improved and I'd be more than happy to give it's future owner my own personal recipe for success on hlle) (without the hlle this would easily be a $120 fish--and it really is nearly healed--it's a great fish--i'll be sad to sell it!)
one serpent star: $5
feather dusters: 1 cluster $10, individual $5, one in small rock $10
flame scallop: $5
leathers: varies by size--open to discussion on these
frogspawn frag: $20
rock--no price per pound--really best to discuss--most have some coral attached and i have no way to weigh them anyhow--but i'll be reasonable--or, I'll sell all the rock in the reef ~40 lbs left, which has some ricordia, gsp, feather dusters, a shroom or two and few leather frags attached to it for $175
sand--again, open to discussion since i can't weigh it anyhow
that's the run down...and yes, i'm in ann arbor...and please byo bucket!
leigh I am intrested however I cannot make it there during thos times I will try to call you from work to arrange something. Thanks.

tony detroit

Active Member
when I have my open house it is going to consist of people bring over snorkels and goggles
good luck with your stuff


Active Member
lol tony, just make sure you invite me! (btw, on that note I just finished my scuba cert today :) ). If someone was trying to call me regarding this i seemed to be having some cell phone issues (with one particular number) that kept getting cut off. Whoever you are, I'm sorry. Anyhow, I've updated the list to reflect what's still available--please contact me if you're interested!


Active Member
Just found your other post. Glad your not leaving the hobby completely and good luck with the scuba diving:) .


Active Member
Hey, thanks Reefnut--mostly I've just found the reef to be more work than I have the energy for. If I could afford a sweet big tank then it'd rock, but for now I think i'm going to find me a lil something in the 20-30 gal range and keep my inverts--(is that odd that I'm more into giant hermit crabs than corals?) :) thanks for the concern though!


Hello leigh. I have a spare 20 gallon and 29 gallon, both tanks are a bit old, but it good condition. I cant sell you the 29 gallon untill i set my 75 up. Would you be interested?


Active Member
krunk, i might be interested, is the 20 a 20 long or high? i'm trying to stick to the 24 inch width...so i'm leaning to a 26 bowfront, but i might be swayed for a 20 high...


leigh how far do you run marathon wise?
I'm trying to get in shape and training for marathons this month and maybe a triathalon,and a big mar, next year.
so far I doing 5 k runs/2-3 mile runs to start of(newb).
what's the best thing to eat b4?Is getting a water bladder overboard?dryfit long sleeve or tanktop?
thankx and sorry for the off topic , if you want to answer my email is tyger_too@hotmail.com


would you ship? i am in chicago.
i am interested in the shrimps, serpant star, and your scallop. I'll pay for the shipping


Active Member
Er, I'd really rather not ship...too much hassle. I am however going home to the evanston area for this holiday weekend. Perhaps we could work out a meeting at some point?
and tyger15, I'm not exactly sure i follow your questions but i find a high carb diet the day before a long run or for a few days before a race (known as carb loading) works well. I'm also a fan of hyperhydrating (ie getting yourself very well hydrated for at least a day before a race). as you get into longer events these two become critical. a water bladder? you mean like running with a camelback? i've used them biking, not a fan of them running. I try to always design my long runs to go by waterfountains, malls, or other places with water readily available. for races any decent race has water stops every 1-2 miles depending on the race distance. for race morning i normally can physically only eat a powerbar. big races i'm all jitters until i get into the water at the start. i actually had one race where i couldn't hold down anything before the start and consequently had not so good a race (it was a long day). are you trying to run a marathon this month? if so you're rushing it. it's a bad idea to add more than a mile a week in distance. if you're running 5k's now, think about doing a late season 10 k, maybe try an early season half marathon next spring and then if you want and feel good go for a marathon next fall. (ps, is the 15 in your name your age? if so please please please talk to a doc before starting into distance running. 5-10k distances are normally fine but longer distances on young growing bodies can be very bad. i won't even begin to tell you horror stories from some of the girls on my old highschool team. so consult a doc--most races longer than a half marathon will require you to be 16 at least and more likely 18.) it's great that you're getting started so young though! and as for tops, really depends on the weather, i go from sports bra and shorts in this type of weather to layered coolmax long sleeve shirts, stretch pants and running sweats all layered in winter. see what makes you comfortable. hope that helps, if you have more questions you're always welcome to e-mail triathlongeek@hotmail.com :D -leigh


evanston, IL? This coming up weekend? if so that would be perfect.
Can you tell me how many you have of each? shrimps, stars and scallops. what else do you have to sell beside purple tang, snails and hermit crab?
do you have a pic of it?


Leigh i'd really like too take some snails off your hands, can you wait 10 months? (thats when i get my drivers license :D )


hey Leigh,
I', really interested. If you are in town in Evanston this weekend, i'd love to meet up and take some of these of your hand. Please let me know asap. I am interested with the shrimps, stars and scallops. Please let me know, i can pay you ahead of time via paypal if you'd like


Active Member
Junbug, I haven't forgotten about you, I'm just trying to figure out my family's plans for the weekend--my folks can be a bit, oh, intense to say the least and I'm not sure how much time i'll have in evanston...


lol, i know how family reunion goes, even if its just for the weekend. Let me know what you've decide. i can come to you in evanstan if need be.
here's my cell number 630/926-7178