micro bubbles?


I have a 14 bio cube and my oceanic pump quit after3 yrs so I bought a maxi-jet 800 (i think), and now i have micro bubbles, I can not figure out why. Has anyone else had this problem?


NO, do you have the optional airline attached? IF NOT...do you have the little cap on it....if it is all the way submersed, it's kinda hard to get air


no air line and no i dont have the cap on,i could try to see if that works,its totally submerged, i also have the red algea, is that from no movement? i also have another powerhead in there.????


Active Member
I know its hard but, a pic is worth a thousand words. Just take the pic with the pump turned off.
If a pic is not possible.........
How do you run the back section of your tank?
For instance, I run my 29 "flooded". What I mean is I have added water to the tank so the back is full all the way up to the top grate.
My first thought is your hose. Your new pump isn't quite as big in diameter as the old one. So the hose is not as tight around the output so its sucking in air. That is completely possible if you don't run the back section "flooded". OR the 90* fitting isn't completely tight. You know where it goes through the false back wall.


I try and keep it above the little glass window ,maybe i should get a new plastic hose for back there,its def worth a try .where do you have your heater back there? What all do you have back there? sorry, just being nosy...No one to compare with around here, only what i read on here.


Active Member
I have the 29 gallon. I removed the grate at the bottom of the first chamber. That's where I have my heater since that water level never changes. I removed all the media from my tank. I don't run bio balls or LR rubble or cheato. I removed the sponge from the third chamber too. I replaced the pump with a RIO 1400+ for more flow. I have a Korallia 1 in the display side.
Oh......I did brake down and I built a skimmer, and I run it in the first chamber with my heater. Its been running about 3ish weeks now. The tank has been up for about 2 years now.


Active Member
I just took this pic for you. Things are still a bit pissy from the lighting upgrade I did. Some are bleached a bit and my favites is brown.