Originally Posted by
i found out were to get them hahahahahaha
Yeah thats real nice. If your going to post something like that you should either tell people where to get them from or just keep it to yourself. What are you 2 years old.
If some one is interested I can probably scrounge up 15 of them. I charge $20.00 for 15. I also have tons of amphipods, copepods, isopods, and mysid shrimp in my tank. I also sell mini fan worms for $1.00 each. I can toss in some caleurpa, cheato, 5 fan worms, a 16 oz bottle of mix phytoplankton and 15 mini brittle stars for $30.00 plus shipping. My zip is 14150 and I live in NY so it would have to be overnight shipping or they will freeze to death. I also have some corals and clownfish for sale to make it worth the shipping. Also please do not kill me with e-mails as I can only do one pack at this point. Also please check into shipping before e-mailing me to make sure it will be worth your while your not going to pay $50-$60 in shipping for $30.00 worth of kritters.
Corals for sale are a few zoo's/paly's, green leather, juvinile Ocellaris, full sized Ocellaris, one mated pair of percs, A huge blue ridge coral very neat shape about 12-14" tall, BTA(tank raised), hammer coral, photosynthetic gorgonia, green psamacorra, blue shrooms, and some acans. Please e-mail me @