Minifishy Octo tank diary


hello boys and girls.....
we r a young asian couple living in canada ... we speak french more than english so i'll do my best to write correctly in english!
we moved to the new home last year (september). I started to rearch a tank to setup in saltwater since. I found one two week ago and started to set it up last friday....
here is my setup
octoganal tank 42gal/w stand
fluval 305 came with tank
3 powerhead (1 for mixing salt)
1 PC power glow+1 marine glow light
1 seaclone prot skimmer 150
12 lbs LR + 15 lbs CC sand
a couple hermits crab ( its free someone gave me and i don't know where to put . I dumbed them in my tank the second day)
and some other needs stuffs for saltwater
Today is my fifth day to do the cycle
PH 8.06 to 8.1
sal 1.021-22
temp 81-83 hard to keep lower i put a fan direct to my tank to keep the temp at 82. i think in winter i don't a heater then lol!
i wait on the weekend to grab a amo + nitrite test kit
that's it for now
we love to have yours suggestions guys
Azfishgal if you read this ...i want to tell ya that i love your tank its awsome ... it's a million $ saltwater tank


Active Member
I'd lower the temp more if you're getting an octopus. If it is a Carribean species then just a little bit lower, but if it's a Bimac Octopus then it needs to be in the lower 70's, since they live in colder water. Of course, like you said, in winter you're probably going to have trouble keeping it warm!
I'd get more sand and live rock, IMO. Octopus need a perfect water quality and a sealed tank. Don't give them any oppurtunity to escape since they are the escape masters.


at the begginning i want to have an octopus green/white ... then i changed ... because m not affort to buy it ... so expensive ... me and my wifeee want a green bubble anemone and 2 red maroon clown ...easy to keep
yes definitly i need more LR and sand ..... wait to saturday to go get 15lbs more LR and sand.


Active Member
Ok, then lower the temp to around 75 degrees F. Sounds cool! Not sure on how much lighting anemone's need.


thought pull out 5 gal and replace with new to drop the temperature but i wonder will it change something to my cycle ...i think the heat came from those powerhead ... i brought them up more on the surface to see ....
have a question: do i need to run my skimmer ... during cycle...tried it yesterday for 24h but nothing came out ... it's noisy and it pull a lot of bubble in the tank so i turned it off .
m searching for a good $ for a pendant HM light.... need something to hang to ceiling


Active Member
Ya, I think Metal Hallides are suggested for Anemones. I don't think powerheads could create that much heat. How long do you leave your lights on?


Active Member
That's interesting. Who thought of a 80degree tank in Canada?

I guess we'll have to wait for more input to see what the problem is.


Active Member
Wait is there a heater in there? I see the orange light of one. What is it set at? I'd bring it down some.


No i do not put in my heater yet ... it's still in the box .... by the way we'r in summer now.... out side is 26-28 celcius (80-83 F)


any one here have use this kind of filter ... i want to build one because i can get those gaf filter(5 micron to 400 micron ) free at the place i work...... any suggestion or comment very welcome....


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments on my tank. It's been fun.

I really would not concern yourself to much with the temp. And IMO bringing it down to 75 is a bad idea. The thing you want is consistency, even if that means keeping your tank at 82. Most coral reefs in the wild are at that temp anyway and some hobbiest have found the corals grow faster when it's at 80 as apposed to 78, which is the lowest I've read reef tanks should be. My tank stays around 80-81, but I know some people have the tanks at 84 during the summer. Won't hurt it one bit. Also, my powerhead in my small nano tank raises my temp by 3 degrees, so that might be your problem if you are looking for where the heat is coming from.
I personally don't like hermits in the DT, because they will kill your snails. I have mine down in my sump/refuge. I also would not do the octopus but I like the idea of the clowns and anemone, that would look really nice in your tank. Can't wait to see things progress. Just remember, take things SLOW. Nothing good happens fast in a reef tank.

Oh, and WELCOME!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok. Listen to her, she knows more about reefs than I do.
Was that comment really necessary? IMO = In my opinion, just in case you didn't known.


Active Member
agree with reef stays between 81-83 deg and does just fine...pumps could easily put heat in your tank depending on which far as lighting anemones really should have more than PC lights...recommended to have metal halide lights...that however will raise your temp depending on how far you have the lights off the tank...but once you get your lighting on constant you may actually have to double check your temp to make sure it doesnt go up to high...i personally wouldnt want my tank over 83 deg....and keep it stable like mentioned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Was that comment really necessary? IMO = In my opinion, just in case you didn't known.
I'm just saying that I don't got probably as much expierence in reefs than you do, so you'd know more than me.
What's the problem?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm just saying that I don't got probably as much expierence in reefs than you do, so you'd know more than me.
What's the problem?
That's the thing about email and boards, you can't here the tone in the person's words. I thought you were being sarcastic. I almost didn't say anything, should have gone with my first instinct. Sorry.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I'm just saying that I don't got probably as much expierence in reefs than you do, so you'd know more than me.
What's the problem?
That's the thing about email and boards, you can't here the tone in the person's words. I thought you were being sarcastic. I almost didn't say anything, should have gone with my first instinct. Sorry.


hi everyone ... just came home from work .... thankx all of you guys for suggestion ... i'll do my best ... at least i know all you guys will stay behind me for the support .... it's really fun to go and i'm so excite to get further .....
have a question
i saw 3 maybe 4 of hitchhiker (the little brown anemone) hiding in my LR..... what can i do with that..... do i have to kill it or i just live it there ... will they kill my anemone
i turn my rock up side down so i don't see them much from the front or the side .... i'll try to take a pict to show you guys
Az ... can i add more LR to the tank during cycle .... today is my sixth day .... already reserved 15lbs more for saturday