Minifishy Octo tank diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seagoblin333
Texasmetal jw what size tank did u have ur octo in?

It's in a 75 gallon.
Your tank looks great Minifishy. I really like that stand and canopy. Pretty sharp!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiniFishy
Thanks ... i love it too ... it's not made in china



add in a bubble anemone+cleaner shrimp
now my gobi + the shrimp stayed almost all day behind their favorit rock

... after one night in the tank my bubble anemone have found her favorite spot ... and open all the way up to the light

i suppose to pick up 2 small maroons clown too .... but the guy at my local store ... have raised the price because he saw me liked very muche those 2 clowns .... me and my wife said to him raise the price we drop the reservation ... wish nobody 'll buy your 2 clowns
have a question: can i put 1 fire shrimp together with my cleaner shrimp.... do they fight?

and here is my new