World of Fish is spendy , but Sean knows his stuff. Bob is another good one there. There customer service there is good. They stand behind every product they sell. Any problem and they will take care of you...replace it or whatever to make you happy.
Something Fishy has a big selection with average prices. Most of of staff there is kinda rude in my opinion. There customer service on equipment is horrible. They wont return anything and they dont stand behind any of their products.
Aqualand doesnt have much of a selection on fish or coral but they have tons of tanks and lights. They are also an Eheim dealer I believe. They seem nice but it is not my style.
Harmar pets has a decent selection and they seem friendly. It is a small store in a mall but they do have 25% off all stock on Mondays. Thats when we shop there. That is the only things we have ever bought.
Forest Lake Pets used to be a good store. They had a fairly large selection of corals and fish. They used to run 2 for $40 on a lot of their corals. The last couple times in there though we have been disappointed. Just looks like there is no upkeep anymore. The tanks look horrible.
Amazing Fish went out of business because they didnt pay any bills or any of their suppliers. They didnt know much there anyways.
The Worst on the list is Premier Pets!!! That place is horrible. Dof and cat feces all over. Cats in a cage with no toys and no clean water. Litter box was overflowing. It stinks in there from no upkeap. They have been turned in a couple times for animal cruelty. Just for this I would never buy any fish there.
The best on the list, and our favorite, is Fish and Friends. A small fish store but a large variety of corals and fish. If they dont have it they will order it for you. If you go on shipment day, you get the top pick. The prices are average but I think we get deals there now and then because we shop there a lot. I would pay extra fpr the customer service. They even took back defective merchadise from Something Fishy so we werent out a brand new skimmer. We even bought our new tank from them and they came over to our apartment to get the pumpo set right. This place get a gold star, in my opinion.
We have been to several other little places but none are note worthy.