Active Member
I subscribe to the 3 leading, well known fish magazines. One magazine of high notoriety has really been concerning me by giving unclear information. As an example, It recently was asked a question about tang aggression. The question explained the situation which included a very over populated 75 gallon aquarium ( perc, damsel, koran angel, lunare wrasse, yellow tang, sailfin tang).The response stated amongst other things that it is not typical for a tang to bother all the other types of fish mentioned and that most tangs are considered to be non-aggressive by nature. What bull! They are territorial and will always be agressive in an overcrowded aquarium. He also stated that the aquarium is not too full and that he should be able to add "several" more small to medium size fishes to a 75 gallon tank!! What a fountain of mis-information. Has anyone encountered such outright mis-info. in a magazine with such good rep.? Also did anyone else read this and pick it up? If so your comments w/b appreciated. I wish I had the e-mail address of the person who asked the question so I could straigten them out before they sacrifice anymore fish to this hostile and overcrowded situation. Editors should do a better job before allowing articles to be printed by what is obvious a well intentioned but inexperienced author. Sorry, but there is a responsibility to ensure info. is accurate when printing it in a magazine and while everyone will have different experiences with tangs, they will always be territorial, especially in an overcrowded tank and this 75 is already overcrowded never mind adding more. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />