

Active Member
I subscribe to the 3 leading, well known fish magazines. One magazine of high notoriety has really been concerning me by giving unclear information. As an example, It recently was asked a question about tang aggression. The question explained the situation which included a very over populated 75 gallon aquarium ( perc, damsel, koran angel, lunare wrasse, yellow tang, sailfin tang).The response stated amongst other things that it is not typical for a tang to bother all the other types of fish mentioned and that most tangs are considered to be non-aggressive by nature. What bull! They are territorial and will always be agressive in an overcrowded aquarium. He also stated that the aquarium is not too full and that he should be able to add "several" more small to medium size fishes to a 75 gallon tank!! What a fountain of mis-information. Has anyone encountered such outright mis-info. in a magazine with such good rep.? Also did anyone else read this and pick it up? If so your comments w/b appreciated. I wish I had the e-mail address of the person who asked the question so I could straigten them out before they sacrifice anymore fish to this hostile and overcrowded situation. Editors should do a better job before allowing articles to be printed by what is obvious a well intentioned but inexperienced author. Sorry, but there is a responsibility to ensure info. is accurate when printing it in a magazine and while everyone will have different experiences with tangs, they will always be territorial, especially in an overcrowded tank and this 75 is already overcrowded never mind adding more. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Well for starters, the Sailfin Tang alone can reach up to 12"+! <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Well thats fine but what size is it now???? Did the person plan on sizing up later on??? You never know what people have planned. I mean I have plans to size up my tanks too. So buy fish now when small (less exspensive) and grow them out and get bigger tanks. Seems to me people want to keep their fish for years, thats my goal.


Active Member
I personally don't believe in buying fish with the intention of moving them. But even If you plan on doing this, two tangs in a 75g is wrong and add the koran angel along with the lunar etc.and you really have a mess. Be that as it may none of this was addressed in the response to the person asking the question. That's really the point.


ok just checking...you just seemed awful upset. I mean I've got 3 tangs and an angel in a 55 and they have been in there for years and have thrived and grown..but thats my own personal experience... but everyone does things differently. Thats why this is a great hobby.


buying a lot of fish small with the intention of waiting till they get older and then moving them is a little troublesome.. fish don't like to be moved.. especially fish who have lived in the same environment for a long period of time.. it's stressful and dangerous to them.. if a tank is going to be set up.. set it up with a pre planned idea of what you want your tank to look like and stick with it. it's really just not a good idea to buy a juv. fish with the intention of moving it when it gets too big... just my opinion..


I tend to think that EVERYONE has plans to move up to a bigger tank...but how many of them actually do it is another matter entirely.
A typical scenario is...a newbie buys a small/medium sized tank with "plans" to move up later. They stock the small/medium tank based on that 180g or 240g (or 2000g <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> ) they're "planning" on getting. But you know what...everyone's life changes. Financial situations change so maybe they can't afford that larger setup, or maybe they become comfortable with the workload of the small/medium tank ("and the large fish seem okay in it"), or maybe they just become bored with the hobby.
I think it would be interesting to see some sort of data on the percentage of newbies "planning" on a bigger tank who actually do it.
Hey...when I started in this hobby a year ago I got a 90g and planned on moving up to a 180g. Well, I'm still planning that 180 and hopefully my finances will allow me to do it this summer...but it's a good thing I didn't stock my 90 figuring I was "moving up soon".

david s

if i had a huge house i would have a 5000 gal tank lol with a sump incellar just my oppion i think most would like a biger tank


Active Member
Appreciate the insight. I agree that it's too stressful to buy fish with the plan to move them into bigger quarters. All tanks s/b stocked using adult size not juv. size. Just my opinion.
Now back to the matter at hand. Did anyone read this article and did you have the same impression I did? What is amazing to me is that none of what we are exchanging was ever mentioned in the response. I'm pretty upset about the response which is extremely lacking. Actually more fish is recommended. Incredible to me but not apparently to others. We have a group who is thinking about turning all of their subscriptions in for this magazine. This is the type of mis-info. which gets the hobby into trouble.


I most be in the minority then. I have no intention in getting a larger tank. I don't want anymore than my 55 gallon fowlr. Now if I could get rid of the ich on my tang. He is in a q-tank and I am working on it.
I started with a 55 gallon in Jan 2002 with no intention of getting a bigger tank. Two weeks ago I started cycling a 105 gallon tank...so there you go. I have not even bought my first real fish yet!
I went looking for a new digital camera and the salesman sold me his 105 gallon tank that he broke down 3 yrs ago after a divorce. Was such a good deal I could not pass it up.
You never know what tomorrow will bring your way.


Active Member
scubanole- The reason you have tang with Ich is peobably due to overcrowded conditions. How many fish do you have in your 55?
Now that I've revealed the magazine in question, thoughts ??


why you you give a reason for ich(overcrowding) and then ask how many fish he has,flamehawk???sounds like u need a soapbox this evening to do a little preaching on---but i agree,to each his own,and i wish all 50 gallon tank owners luck with the fish of their choice--im so sick of hearing that everybody here has just the perfect set-up and everyone elses is wrong---what works for me may not work for everyone else,thats what makes this world go round,and yes i bought a small yellow tang and put in my 46 bow 4 months ago and already have my larger tank cycling for some bigger fish,and definetly would not bother me to swap the tang in a year or so,maybe sooner <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Active Member
heavenly damsel, congradulations, unfortunately you are one of the many who do actually upgrade, i too am, we started with a 29 that never even got stocked, then got a 40, and eventually replaced it with a 75, whichis all we have now again, so some of us do the deed, but bluto is right, a very large majority never actually do it or do it on time, i wish it were that easy, but it isn't(many of us count pennies or rebalance our check books before going to the lfs, and most of us actually drop out too, even more loose interest adn jsut remain idle)
and i wish, myself that when someone gives advice, others would not rail them for giving good advice or opinions all the time, as mentioned there are definitely differences adn some are nearly as successful as others, but sometimes the answers is right in front of us and we don't quite see it, so this is why we do often offer advic, even if it is not the advice someone wants to hear, often i don't say things, b/c of the fact others do not want to hear it or b/c it is a new comer looking ofr other advice, and jsut stating so may only lead ot another debate, when the real issue at hand is enough to handle and is more pressing, but i do feel it does normally need ot be said
back to the post, i do not subscribe to any mags, but i do agreee with flamehawk on their views here, i would never attempt taht stocking plan, personally
and i would definitely advice against it if i were to converse with the person seeking advice and definitley would NOT advize more stocking, REGARDLESS of the size of the exact fish in question :D


Why can'r we be friends why can't we be friends why can't we be friends why can't we be friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
on to the topic, i agree that the tank is over crowded. I have also move fish around with very little problem. I have upgraded my tanks as i get enought money, i shsould have my 190 in come may.
honestly though 2 tangs in a 55 gal tank unless they are very small is just bad juju. As for mags, we all know they give bad advise. if you trust what a complete stranger has to say i have a wonderful bridge to sell you. before i do anything to my tanks i get atleast a second opinion and i try for that third or forth. I wish you the best of luck trying to help that person, but remember the people love to shoot the messanger. give them a link to the board. maybe we as a group can help


Active Member
mh51072- I said "probably" overcrowded. As far as a soapbox , don't need one and don't want one. Never did never will. If you feel so compelled to make comments which are not constructive to the cause perhaps you should find another forum. I have no problem with disagreement but making it personal is not appreciated and does not help others who are trying to get help.
My comments started off trying to help someone who asked for advice of a magazine and just plainly got wrong advise. Hopefully the person will find out about this conversastion and get the more accurate information from people like fshub, von rahvin, etc.


Active Member
All- Just received an e-mail from new editor of tfh magazine. He basically agrees that the info. provided to the questioner should have been edited out and changed. He agress that while there are certain set ups which maybe ok for the current fish stock, the majority would not be and to suggest adding more fish to any set up with that water volume was incorrect. Also agrees that the comment about tang agression was not stated properly. He claims that under his editorship things will change and he will read all articles befoe they are printed. I asked him if he would contact questionaire to correct the mis-information or clarify in a future issue. He has not responded yet.
Just thought I'd give you an update.