Missing Fish!!!!


So weird I go to feed my tank today and notice that my small clown is swimming in the large anemone which he never does he has a smaller one thats hes always in. And I start looking around and am like WTF where is my large clown. No where to be found my only guess is that the anemone ate him is this possible? I just fed the anemone 2 days ago. So strange to me he didn't appear to have anything wrong with him yesterday. I could see if it was sick or something but he looked the same as he always does and was out eating and what not yesterday. It is a very large anemone at least a foot around if not bigger. And now all of a sudden the small clown and the medium clown get along they NEVER go near each other. Is this possible that it ate him????


Purple tip anemone. 3 clowns. They hosted that anemone for like 2 years. Noticed she left behind some eggs :( Too many times laying eggs to much stress they have them at least once a month?


It just seems odd that the anemone would all of a sudden eat a healthy fish......is there anywhere it could be hiding? what other cuc do you have?


I feel the same way I've looked everywhere. She kind of ran the tank no one messed with her don't see why she would be hiding. She's pretty big too be hiding. If she was in there that small clown wouldn't be in that anemone. Sorry cuc???


Ahhh sorry lol.. I have one very large hermit crab one large mexican turbo and prob around 10-20 smaller hermits. Can't have small snails because my fish would eat them. Oh and a spider decorator crab.


I was missing my mandarin for like 2 months and then he showed up all shrivled righ in the middle of my fishroom floor, total mystery.
If she jumped a fish of any size can flop quite a ways before it runs out of air. check the overflow, sump and under the stand.


yup suicide fish found him under the stand
Now i'm getting tops or building a hood. Gonna search around and see if I can find a good 125 hood build.


Sorry for your loss Hawk, but at least you now know it probably wasnt a water problem that killed it


Originally Posted by HAWKFISH203 http:///forum/thread/382626/missing-fish#post_3340735
yup suicide fish found him under the stand
Now i'm getting tops or building a hood. Gonna search around and see if I can find a good 125 hood build.
So sorry, BUT as was said before....at least you know
any you can get eggcrate for now....it's cheap and a clown can not fit thru it