Missing Peppermint Shrimp


New Member
We seem to have lost our two peppermint shrimp over the weekend since we added the emerald crab and urchin. Afraid that if they went to molt that the pistol shrimp attacked them but our water parameters are no different. They were very active and we saw them all the time and now nothing. We have lost 2 mushrooms and a rainbow ricordia to the pistol already. Is it possible they just went in to hiding or might they be dead?


New Member
We have tried the flashlight thing a bit and no luck... Just a little weird that they would both go missing at the same time. And our ghost shrimp that we thought was something else is still alive and well, but has kind of became less active and just hovers in one area now.


Quote:Originally Posted by cmbkml http:///t/395798/missing-peppermint-shrimp#post_3524762
We have tried the flashlight thing a bit and no luck... Just a little weird that they would both go missing at the same time. And our ghost shrimp that we thought was something else is still alive and well, but has kind of became less active and just hovers in one area now.

Depending on how long it has been missing, it might just be hiding in your rock work. Your pistol might have attacked it, and if you don't see it soon, I would assume that it is dead. Peppermint are usually out at night,so since there is no traces of him anywhere, I would think that is has been eaten.


You never can tell with peps...they are indeed nocturnal, and they're very good at hiding. I've torn down tanks and found peps that went "missing" on more than one ocassion, and I found HUGE, pretty shrimp (they get black tails as adults, and are quite nice-looking). OTOH, it may have become food for the pistol...