Mixing Clowns


The Debate continues.
I have a 90 gallon tank. I have had a "pair" of Percs in it for , lets say 6 months. They seem to be a mated pair.
I also have a Mated pair, of Saddlebacks. I got them around 3 months ago. They are mated and host a LTA and LTP I have in the tank.( they go between the 2)
I have never seen them being aggresive towards each other. YET !! I stress yet. I am hopefull that with my tank size, and the lite "fish load" I have they will continue to coexist.
So I feel , that it depends on the species. I would never put a Clarki with any other clown. They tend to be nasty.
And, I have found others who say that a pair is better to add than a single to a tank that has clowns. My 2 pairs get along, however I have a friend who added a single saddleback to a tank with a mated pair, and they tore it up.
So.. I guess the denate will continue.


Originally Posted by guineawhop
well i wish i could have video taped it for you because they lived together for over a year swiming together. it was 2 perculas and one maroon. the thing that killed the perculas is they were sucked up into my powerhead, by teh way don't buy aquaclear powerheads unless you also buy the attachment that connects to the bottom.
Maybe it was assisted suicide..... if you get my drift.


what about 1 orange and white percula and 1 black and white percula would this work out and has anyone tried it? I wander if they would pair up!


I currently have 2 black and white and 2 true percs, also 1 maroon gold striped clown. They have lived peacefully for over 18 mo. in a 120 gal tank. True the percs stay in the live rock and the maroon lives in his shell but even feeding time nobody chases anyone around or anything like that.


i agree with tizzo..i have 8 clowns, 6 being percula and one choc and one false, they all fight here and there. if i had to do it over, i'd have one. but you learn as you go.i have 2 big anemones in my tank, and even if i had 8 anenmones, they would still fight.lol..they are not as peaceful as some say and think..lol.. cute little guy though..


also, in my saltwater experience i have had 2 maroons (at seprate times).. let me tell you that they can be nasty as hell...they are the more aggressive clown than the others. eventually if you have a maroon mixed with others, they will fight. this is just what i have seen with my own eyes and read also. so, no more maroons for me..lol..

bang guy

Originally Posted by cougar
I currently have 2 black and white and 2 true percs, also 1 maroon gold striped clown. They have lived peacefully for over 18 mo. in a 120 gal tank. True the percs stay in the live rock and the maroon lives in his shell but even feeding time nobody chases anyone around or anything like that.
Your Maroon will probably mature during the next year or two. Soon after that she will be the only clownfish in your tank.


The maroons are the ones I wouldn't mix with the other breeds of clowns. The maroons are known to be aggressive!!!!


Im not trying to sound sarcastic, but in nature dont clowns have to pair with other (non-related) clowns? They would be inbred and have birth defects if not, right?
* regarding pairing of similar species.


New Member
I also have mixed clowns. 2 true percs (6mths), 1 clarki (1 yr), and one maroon (18 mths). I got the maroon first, then the clark, then the pair of percs. I have a 100 gal. and have no problems untill one of them tries to play in the other ones anenome. In fact sometimes the maroon and percs nuzzle in the same anenome at night. I guess I got lucky