I would wait a couple days. Keep in mind the scenario I talked about with the sand absorbing some of the freshwater is entirely dependant on how much sand you have. In nearly EVERY case, the difference over a couple days is negligable, if it's measurable at all. Since you are starting a cycle, a little variance in the salinity won't matter much at first. If you are in a situation where you can double check, IMO it'd be worth it.
Do you have an HOB overflow or built in?
Basically, you put water into the tank until water enters the overflow. At that point you start your siphon up (the methods of which depend on what kind of overflow you have). Then you'll keep adding water to the main tank until the pump is submerged (again, assuming you have a submersible pump). Then you'll start the pump up, and keep adding water to the sump as the pump sucks air until you achieve a balance.