Mixing Lime?


I know this has been discussed in detail. I have done some searching and will continue to but if any one has any advice I would appreciate it.
Just a couple of easy (hopefully) questions.
1) When mixing limewater, do you just mix it (with a wood spoon or something) for a minute or do you use a powerhead or an airstone for a while (hour or so)?
2) After mixing, how long do you need to allow it to sit before adding it to a topoff system?
3) I am going to mix in a 5 gallon bucket; should I keep the lid on tight to keep as much air out as possible, or don't worry about it just remove the top scum?
4) Add the topoff limewater directly to tank (with good watersurface agitation) or to ecosystem 40 hangon (with poor watersurface agitation?
5) Last question: I do not have a simmer (yet) does that make a difference on adding limewater?
Thanks for the help.

bang guy

1 - just mix it for a minute. CO2 is it's enemy until it's in your tank. Over mixing will cause excessive precipitate (not a huge problem).
2 - Until the liquid is clear.
3 - A lid will help. The scum on the top will also protect it from the air.
4 - It should be dripped in over many hours. It will raise your PH and it will quickly consume the CO2 in the tank. Adding a lot at once is a really bad idea. I use a high flow area.
5 - Not really. Experiments have shown that dripping into the intake of a skimmer can precipitate Phosphate out of solution. A bonus.


mix with a little vinegar. I use one teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of kalk. It allows the kalk to be used immediately. I mixit with RO and start dripping.
I realize this is too easy for most people. However, it works for me.
As for the 5 gallon bucket. Are you mixing 5 gallons at a time? How long will it take you to use all that up?
Other than not talking about vinegar :p Bang Guy has it right!:D

salty rick

How often do you drip kalk?
How much do you drip at a time?
What do you use to drip it?
Is that all you do to maintain your PH, ALK and CA?
Just looking at easier ways to maintain the proper levels in the water.


Thanks for the help.
"4 - It should be dripped in over many hours. It will raise your PH and it will quickly consume the CO2 in the tank. Adding a lot at once is a really bad idea."
I am going to add it to a top-off system that will "drip" (actually slightly more than a drip) on and off as needed via a float switch. The float is very sensitive so it usually "drips" for about half a minute every 15 minutes or so. Not very much. Also I go through a 5 gallon jug in a 29 gallon tank in about 6-7 days.
"I use a high flow area. "
Is it bad to add it directly to the tank itself? I have heard it is better to add it to a sump which gives it time to adjust before it enters the tank. Since I do not have a sump but a hang-on ecosystem, I considered adding it there.
But, the eco has low water flow and poor surface exchange, where as the tank has high water flow and good surface exchange?
Do you think 6-7 days is too long to keep the limewater in the top-off system?
Just fyi if it helps, my system goes like this.
Mix limewater in 5 gallon pale, let sit until ready. Remove surface scum, add clear water to a 5 gallon jug.
The jug is airtight with too ridged airline tubes entering the top. One reaches just above the bottom and runs to the tank, the other barely enters the tank, does not touch the water, and is connected to an air pump. When the water drops (about 1/4") the float turns on the pump which presurizes the jug and forces water to the tank.
Easy enough.

bang guy

Rook - Your proceedure is perfect. Don't change a thing. Between your Ecosystem & tank I would choose the tank (higher flow) but either will work.

bang guy


Originally posted by Chris L
Bang Guy is it a bad idea to mix 30 gallons or so at a time if I only use a gallon a day.

I wouldn't mix any more than you're going to use in a week.


Active Member
I've been dripping kalk in my system for about a year. My system is 45g. I have had problems stablizing my alk & cal over the last few months. It seems to fluxuate and not stay stable. I know i read a post a few months ago about a recomendation on tank size and when you should drip kalk. Do you think a 45g reef with 1/2 gal topoff a day, should stick to kents Tech C-B(or some other two part additive) for dosing alk and cal???