Mixing Tangs (Yellow & Sailfin)


Yes, another one of these questions...we've searched some of the old posts and have found people who say you "shouldn't" put them together. But we also found at least three people who have successfully kept them together.
So, I'd like to hear from people who have kept them together successfully as well as unsuccessfully. All input is greatly appreciated.
And of course, we don't mind hearing opinions either (feel free to answer the poll and comment).
Tank Info:
180 Reef
Currently home to: 2 false perc clowns, yellow tang (2 in.), anems, CUC, pep shrimp, cleaner shrimp, serpent star
MSX200 Skimmer
The yellow tang has only been in the tank for a couple months also (not sure if this makes a difference)
Also, if we do choose to add the sailfin (desjardinii), it will be close to the same size as the yellow. Should we rearrange rocks prior to adding or just wait and see how they get along first? There are plenty of hiding places for the fish as well.
I know this truly depends on the fish themselves but would like to hear other's specific experiences/opinions.


I have a yellow tang, sailfin, and blue hippo in my 225G.....I have no real issues
EVERY once in a while the yellow and sailfin will go tail to tail....but they never get into a real "fight"
p.s. Don't know if it matters, but I got the YT and SF together


New Member
I have both in several tanks and have not had a problem yet. Does not mean that it is 100%. USUALLY, not a problem. Keep well fed.


My Yellow and Sailfin are fine together. 170g tank, the tank was here when I moved in but by the size of the fish I'd say they've been together 2 yrs


Active Member
I believe you can do it because it is a sizable tank. But it may be ugly for awhile. And you should be ready to rearrange rock, etc.
Be sure you QT the sailfin to make sure it is good and strong and free of disease. Both fish will likely be under stress for awhile and you want them in good condition, IMO.


I have Both of them in my 265 gallon and like has already been stated they do go tail to tail sometimes but so does my yellow and hippo.


Originally Posted by ophiura
I believe you can do it because it is a sizable tank. But it may be ugly for awhile. And you should be ready to rearrange rock, etc.
Be sure you QT the sailfin to make sure it is good and strong and free of disease. Both fish will likely be under stress for awhile and you want them in good condition, IMO.
beautiful fish

small triggers

Active Member
i think they are different enough and in that size tank you should be okay. I would move the LR around after the QT of the sailfin just before you put him in, turn the lights off for the first day and so eveyone and choose a new territory in the moonlight....


Thank you everyone for the input! We have ordered the sailfin and are very excited about it! We do already have the yellow so we will be ready to rearrange rock if need be (we're going to see how it goes first). We'll introduce the new one in complete dark as well. Again, thanks. We'll let you know how it goes!


So, we got our sailfin :) Everything is going great! The yellow tang was only mad for the first couple of hours and then he realized he was the smaller fish I suppose (this worked out well). They've been getting along ever since except for the occasional swat from the yellow. He ate the first day and is eating good now. Here's a picture (I know how we love pictures around here!)