Mixing Tank Raised Ocellaris?


New Member
I have been researching this subject and have found some conflicting information.
Is it possible to add pairs of Tank Raised Ocellaris and Tank Raised Black and White Ocellaris clowns to the same tank if they are added at the same time and are not already paired up or am I just asking for trouble?
The tank in question is a 140 with no Anemones in the tank. My wife likes the standard colors and I am leaning toward the black and whites.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Friguy
The tank in question is a 140 with no Anemones in the tank. My wife likes the standard colors and I am leaning toward the black and whites.
As long as they are both Ocellaris and not both female, you'll most likely end up with a bonded pair.


New Member
Just checked what I posted. I ment to ask about adding 2 Ocellaris and 2 Black adn whites to the same tank


Huh? There is no such thing as black and white ocellaris! There are black and white clowns but not black and white ocellaris's. I myself have two ocellaris clowns and have read several books on clowns. You are probably thinking of a black and white clownfish but ocellaris's are the color that they are. There is a black and white clown but those are rare and I myself have never seen one except in books. I you do get a black and white clown and a ocellaris you can put them in the tank together but they will not become a mated pair and even then there is no telling if they are going to like eachother! It seems that clown from another species don't like eachother!!!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Friguy
Just checked what I posted. I ment to ask about adding 2 Ocellaris and 2 Black adn whites to the same tank
I recommend against it. It is possible but the odds of 2 pair in a 6 foot tank are not in your favor.

bang guy

Originally Posted by meeks101
Huh? There is no such thing as black and white ocellaris!

Well, yes there is. There are several species of Clownfish with a Black & White color morph. Ocellaris is actually the most common followed by Saddleback.