

You guys are like gods here. Everytime I see one of the moderators name in a thread I have to check it out. Your word is law.(seriously). Just want to say you guys do one hell of a job here. I want to be a moderator.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i think ya have a little sumthin sumthin on ya alls nose :hilarious ...

:hilarious :hilarious
Aw, so you're trying to say you don't appreciate the mods?

I'll go get a tissue now for my nose....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i think ya have a little sumthin sumthin on ya alls nose :hilarious ...

It's pronounced y'all.

I think the mods have a tough job and have wondered if sometimes it doesn't just make them nuts, thread after thread...
Thanks for all you do!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
I think the mods have a tough job and have wondered if sometimes it doesn't just make them nuts, thread after thread...
LOL that you mention it.
But really, thanks, we appreciate it, even if clearly not everyone appreciates us :)


if i was a mod i would piss a lot of people off....... so im glad i don't have the job. I just think i kinda stinks you guys are never allowed to voice your opinions. I wish i had the power of a mute button sometimes..... you will have to open a thread for us all on when to keep your mouth shut for the simple reason of not offending your friends.


Active Member
Originally Posted by petieaztec
if i was a mod i would piss a lot of people off....... so im glad i don't have the job. I just think i kinda stinks you guys are never allowed to voice your opinions. I wish i had the power of a mute button sometimes..... you will have to open a thread for us all on when to keep your mouth shut for the simple reason of not offending your friends.
You DO have a mute button, silly!


Active Member
i think the people from email someone if they'd like them to be a mod, you also have to be on the site for a while and be vey knowledgeable


If yall notice all the mods have like 8 or 9 thousand post so they know their stuff and people like ophura work at plublic aquariums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
how does one become a mod?
i heard they had to walk over hot coals, dive into a swimming pool full of shards of glass then skiny dip in the ocean with a hungry great whites... they have to do this yearly to continue to prove they are worthy... hey where is Squidd and NM Reef??? :notsure:


Originally Posted by ruaround
i heard they had to walk over hot coals, dive into a swimming pool full of shards of glass then skiny dip in the ocean with a hungry great whites... they have to do this yearly to continue to prove they are worthy... hey where is Squidd and NM Reef??? :notsure:

I have done most of that in my drunk days. does that still count to become a mod.. :notsure:


Active Member
Moderators are generally selected by participation on the boards and overall "helpfullness" I guess you can call it....but not necessarily knowledge.
I think we all would say that while we give opinions on things, and may have extensive experience on one topic or another, it is not necessarily more valuable than anyone else's opinions or experience. Our primary goal is to keep the boards friendly and productive, and 99% of those participating here wish the same thing

But that 1%...


well i know i'm friendly and productive. did you see those severely epic ideas i posted for in that other thread ophiura? you'll probably wanna have me promoted some type of authoritah but my lovin resides with the commoners.