

Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
. hey where is Squidd and NM Reef??? :notsure:

I believe Thomas has NMReef hostage and he has not fully stated his demands for release...........
Haven't seen Squidd in a really long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
It's pronounced y'all.

I think the mods have a tough job and have wondered if sometimes it doesn't just make them nuts, thread after thread...
Thanks for all you do!
Actually "Ya'alls" is more than 2 peeps.


Active Member
Squidds around...reading more than posting lately, but still hanging in there...
Been a busy summer for me alot of traveling chasing the points trail gone most every weekend...(cutting grass
) but the seasons over so now I can settle down, clean the tanks, and start a new project...



Active Member
Im pretty sure everyone agrees with me but lion_craz should be a mod. He knows alot about this hobby and well id just like to say that he is well fit for tha job. I nominate lion_craz.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Im pretty sure everyone agrees with me but lion_craz should be a mod. He knows alot about this hobby and well id just like to say that he is well fit for tha job. I nominate lion_craz.
Yes, Definately
He takes his time and helps as much as possible. Lion_Crazz definately knows his stuff.


Active Member
I always thought Myway and LionCraz were mods?!?! Interesting They are 2 of my favorites on the boards. I always like to read what they have to say when perusing the threads.


Staff member
Thanks for the positive comments. owners have final say for moderator selection, and that usually occurs after we loose a moderator and/or when current moderators strongly advocate for someone to be "promoted".
Commitment to being on the forums on a regular basis and promote the owner's goals for the BB is generally what is asked of us.
Moderators aren't required to not express our personal opinions; I think we do all the time. Being civil, helpful, and able to enforce the board's rules is generally what is required of us. It is a plus when the mods have our "specialty" interests on the forums. Don't know if that was planned or not.

Lion Crazz is certainly appreciated by me for all his help in the Disease Forum!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Im pretty sure everyone agrees with me but lion_craz should be a mod. He knows alot about this hobby and well id just like to say that he is well fit for tha job. I nominate lion_craz.
I agree


Active Member
Originally Posted by martinc909
I would love to see a pic of all the moderators. Please

What, together? We can't stand each other!


Staff member
Personally, I prefer not posting pics on the internet. However, I am a drop dead gorgeous redhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Personally, I prefer not posting pics on the internet. However, I am a drop dead gorgeous redhead.

thats what they all say

sign guy

Active Member
thanks guys you really make the site more inviting
btw out of all the currant mods who has been a mod the longest?