

Staff member
Its no big deal, but it may be taken as picking on another member, so rather than going down that road, I cut it off at the pass.


Originally Posted by reckler
I have done most of that in my drunk days. does that still count to become a mod.. :notsure:

ahahahah funny!!!!!


Originally Posted by martinc909
I would love to see a pic of all the moderators. Please

I don't even post pictures of my whole tank, and you think I'm going to post a pic of me....LOL HA!


Originally Posted by Beth
BTW, I hold the honor of being the longest mod here, assigned the lofty title Feb 2000! :cheer:
And I can tell you from nearly going broke to get, high priced undercover private investigators to get me some, pics of Beth that those 6 years have only made here more beautiful!!

Now when Terry B was here I was always jealous of the affections the female mods would pour on him. I must admit that guy was a handsome lad, and being in charge of the mop and bucket in the shark tank, I was usually fuming, because I always had to follow Beth and Ophiura around and clean the drool from those two.

I must admit that a group picture of the mods would be nice!! But its never going to happen.
See ya!


Originally Posted by PonieGirl
You DO have a mute button, silly!
nah........ Im too opionated some times and stick my foot in my mouth it is quite puzzling why i can't stop talking. I want to go back to being silent but deadly :hilarious


like I said, you guys are like my heroes. so could you please make a kid happy and show us a picture of any of you guys. I just want to see a pic. and not like in a scuba diving suit or really far away or one where you could only see your legs or hands.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dc2mlbsm
you guys dont wanna post a pic cuz youre ugly.....dont be shy

don't be talkin' about my Tommy like that :mad:


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
so thomas what has happened to NM reef? have u disposed of him yet?

Sometimes you just have to break the cycle, I think that is what NM is doing right now...just taking a break. I seemed to do the same thing after removing so many anemones from my tank. Most of this summer about all I did was check in and clean some posts up. Haven't posted near what I used to do.


Staff member
We've all taken a break from the forums from time to time. It is actually a volunteer job, you could say, and sometimes you need to get away for a bit. Sometimes, you just decide to move on and give up your moderator function. Reefnut has just resigned recently. He was a great asset as a moderator and will be missed by us, but hopefully, he'll still be checking in on the forums.


I know you guys were just trying to do your job but.......... my good friend jen got kicked off i belive yesterday and realized that she made a mistake in posting a stupid post. I am here to beg for her forgiveness. please let her back on she realizes what she did and will not do stuff like that anymore. If anyone should be given a second chance please let it be her........... i do understand she may need to be whipped before she comes back though.

oh her screen name is jdargunas??? thanks guys


ophie????? anyone? I am lost without my P.I.C.
i will bake you all my infamous pudding chip cookies
the wait is killing me guys.