

Staff member
I'm afraid that was not the only mistake that that individual has made here. However, it will be the last mistake that we tolerate. She is not welcome here to disrupt the forums, sign on with false IDs, slam moderators under a fictitious identity or poke fun at others.
Now that is final and I hope you understand and not bring the topic up again. We appreciate your understanding our position and leave it at that.

sign guy

Active Member
insted of asking 9000 times for you mods to post pics, im going to ask yall why you dont want to. Is it a safty thing?


Active Member
I've posted several pictures on this board in several different threads. Currently in the "names to faces" thread and in a previous version of that thread as well. Just personal preference, but you are not the first to ask this question, and not the first to be disappointed
It will not change this time around I suspect, and people shouldn't really have to explain why


like at scrips institute????? what would be the qualifications? marine biology degree? I have animal expirience but not aquatic animals just rats and mice. plus i don't know how to dive with the gear.


Active Member
Well, that is aiming pretty high
Mostly local aquaria and such, good place to start. They will want a diving certification though may train. Rarely do they look for marine biologists though a research institute may be different. But captive systems are very different from what many marine biologists work on, and if they can't recognize that, then they don't get far. Thankfully, I recognized that


i see... i love the ocean but had a scarry expirience with a huge sting ray when i was younger. I went to boston recently and saw the sharks and rays in the huge tank they have. when the guy was feeding them he had the giant sea turtle trained to not bite him when he was feeding him.... it was really cool.. i also went to a conference in july and saw how the people at sea world trained the rays to eat and not to attack one another. it was really cool. I kinda want to go into animal behavior but don't really know.


Originally Posted by Beth
I'm afraid that was not the only mistake that that individual has made here. However, it will be the last mistake that we tolerate. She is not welcome here to disrupt the forums, sign on with false IDs, slam moderators under a fictitious identity or poke fun at others.
Now that is final and I hope you understand and not bring the topic up again. We appreciate your understanding our position and leave it at that.

See, thats what I mean. Your word is law.


Staff member
Originally Posted by sign guy
how old are you vipe?
Wishin' I was that old. LOL